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但是现在又完全失败了。But it was a scandalous failure.

他的友好行为不过是他险恶用心的伪装。We are surprised by his scandalous behaviour.

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你还没有拿到工资这太不像话了。It's scandalous that you still haven't been paid.

当前财富的分配不公也是可耻的。The current maldistribution of wealth is also scandalous.

这个已婚女人的诽谤性行为震惊了她的朋友。The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends.

这个短语说的是那些歪曲事实或故意制造轰动效应的新闻报道,而这类报道通常都是不真实的。This term describes articles that are sensational, scandalous and often untrue.

像这样逼咱们穷鬼们干活,真不要脸。"It's something scandalous the way they work us poor devils, " Joe was remarking.

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难道你想和一个即将有离婚诉讼丑闻的家庭结亲吗?Do you want to marry into a family with a scandalous divorce-suit hanging over it?

阿乔治借用,小说和游记作家传记,一些丑闻。A biography of George Borrow, the author of novels and travelogues, some scandalous.

许多所谓的基督徒的恶行为这迫害火上加油。IV. The scandalous conduct of so-called Christians provided fuels for our persecutors.

圣经里写的都是人类,而不是超人类的,而且里面的人类活动,有很多花边新闻。The Bible abounds with human not superhuman beings, and their behavior can be scandalous.

斯普林菲尔德金融丑闻漫天飞甚至不被当成丑闻了。Springfield was home to financial scandal so pervasive it was barely considered scandalous.

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报刊上那些恶意中伤的报道败坏了该社团全体成员的名声。The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society.

但是,“亵渎、不道德、谋反、分裂、煽动叛乱、或恶毒诽谤”的定义是什么呢?But what constituted "blasphemous, immoral, treasonable, schismatic, seditious or scandalous libels"?

信托组织的创始人皮特。兰普尔描述该发现说,这就是“人才极大浪费”的证据。Peter Lampl, the trust's founder, describes the findings as evidence of a "scandalous waste of talent".

而她的诅咒的念叨,夹杂着无望的传播丑闻的惬意,是来自一轮黑色太阳的闪光。Rather, grinding through her imprecations is a scandalous joviality without hope, rays from a black sun.

最后,它被要求为自己过去的可耻行为买单。At last it is being made to pay for its past scandalous behaviour, " said Deborah Arnott, director of ASH."

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三十多年以后的今天,中学生谈情说爱早已在心理上合法化,在舆论上公开化。Now, more than three decades later, there is nothing private nor scandalous about middle schoolers in love.

著名邦格斯仍将-但决定放弃时钟的形象被描述为可耻昨天。The famous bongs will remain – but the decision to ditch the clock image was described yesterday as scandalous.

现在我们面对张庆信揭露的金钱丑闻,其中或有欺诈的成分。What we have is a scandalous revelation within a financial scandal, which has elements of fraudulent practices.