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这个喷水孔在头的顶部。This blowhole is on the top of its head.

鲸鱼通过鼻子喷射出满是水的空气。To spout moist air from the blowhole. Used of a whale.

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海豚通过一个称为喷水孔的洞呼吸。A dolphin breathes air through a hole called a blowhole.

而真正的鼻孔其实是它们头顶的喷水孔。The real nose however is the blowhole on top of the head.

气孔为YC4112Q气缸盖的主要缺陷。The main defect of type YC4112Q cylinder head is blowhole.

在暴风雨中,水从出气孔中喷射出来,就像鲸鱼喷水一样。In a storm, water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale.

它们用快速开闭气孔的方式来发出这些声音。They make these sounds by rapidly opening and closing their blowhole.

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有些人说它戴一顶草帽,是为了隐藏呼吸孔和突出的前额。Some say it wears a hat to hide its blowhole and its bulbous forehead.

他们是哺乳动物和呼吸,通过对气孔上方的他们的头部。They are mammals and breathe through a blowhole on the top of their head.

分析了液压件铸件产生气孔缺陷的因素及解决的对策。Analysed the factors for caused blowhole in hydraulic castings and action solved.

水凝胶是一种包含水的固体,有极细的气孔。The hydrogel is one kind of package watery solid, has the extremely thin blowhole.

孩子们在阿曼海岸线上的一个天然喷水口的水花中玩耍。Children revel in the spray of saltwater from a natural blowhole on the coastline of Oman.

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气孔是最难分析其形成原因和最难找出防治方法的铸件缺陷。Blowhole is a kind of casting defects, the reasons of which are most difficult to find out.

溺水,海洋哺乳动物保持对呼吸孔的控制至关重要。To avoid drowning during sleep, it is crucial that marine mammals retain control of their blowhole.

这些哺乳动物呼吸空气穿越过他们的喷水孔因此倒水进去喷水孔会导致他们淹死。These mammals breathe air through their blowhole and pouring water in there will cause them to drown.

在喷水孔周围的这片区域也是特别敏感的,捕获的鲸鱼往往强烈反对触摸那里。The area around the blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to being touched there.

基于此,提出了利用石墨化膨胀将已经产生的气体排挤出铁液来消除皮下气孔,并用实验进行了验证。Based on these, making use of graphitizing expansion property to eliminate surface blowhole has been proposed and verified with tests.

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到了午餐的时候,孩子们向鲸鱼的喷孔处扔石头,它的疲软的身体在岸边就像被很多海藻击打而摇摆。By lunchtime, children were tossing rocks at the animal’s blowhole while its limp body swayed in the shore break like so much seaweed.

巴基鲸的鼻腔开口从口鼻尖端移到头顶,成为现代鲸豚的喷气孔。And the nasal opening migrated back from the tip of the snout in Pakicetus to the top of the head in modern cetaceans , forming the blowhole.

在那里空气可能循环回鼻结构的下部,并在那里为下一次发声做好准备,或者,空气通过喷水孔排出。From there, the air may be recycled back into the lower part of the nasal complex, ready to be used for sound creation again, or passed out through the blowhole.