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套衫毛衣体育12号美利奴羊毛针织。Pullover sweater sports a 12-gauge merino wool knit.

当时她戴的是一顶棉绒帽,穿的是一件粗毛呢裙袍。She was then wearing a plush hat and her merino gown.

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伸缩平面编织的美利奴羊与自启动袖口羊毛袖子。Stretchy flat-knit merino wool sleeves with self-starting cuffs.

豪华服饰,外观优雅,有美利奴羊绒和丝绸的优质混合材料制成。Luxury with an elegant look made from a fine mix of merino wool and silk.

新西兰美利奴公司本周提供了提供2,850包羊毛在墨尔本发售。The New Zealand Merino Company is rostered to offer 2,850 bales in Melbourne next week.

为敖汉细毛羊的遗传选育提供理论依据。The aim was to provide the theoretical basis for genetic breeding of Aohan merino sheep.

世界上细羊毛品种都产自美利奴绵羊或以美利奴血统为主的绵羊。The world's species are produced in fine wool Merino sheep Or origin-based Merino sheep.

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澳大利亚、南美和南非的美利奴羊的毛纤维非常细,而且非常柔软。The merino sheep of Australia, South America and South Africa produce very fine and soft wool.

美利奴羊毛提花套衫前身布满各色校旗,充分展现团队精神。The merino wool jacquard sweater is covered with school pennants for a true show of team sprit.

美丽奴羊毛有很好的绝缘性能,舍得其可以在任何温度都适用。Merino wool has natural insulating properties that make it idea to use in almost every temperature.

羊毛密度是影响中国美利奴羊净毛产量的主要因素。It was concluded that wool density was main factor affacting clean wool weight in the Chinese Merino.

南萨福克公羊也许能与任一种母羊生产出头等羊羔。South Suffolk rams may be used on any breed of ewe and will even produce prime lambs from Merino ewes.

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目前美利奴羊已经成功地在德国、法国、西班牙和美国饲养,且羊毛的质量较高。Merino wool has been successfully raised in German, France, Spain and the United States and is of high quality.

美丽诺柔软系列展现了澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛永恒的经典特性,极度柔软和奢华。Merino Soft shows Australian Merino wool's timeless, classic properties of supreme softness and ultimate luxury.

目前美利奴羊已经成功地在德国、法国、西班牙和美国饲养,且羊毛的质量较高。Merino wool has been successfully raised in Germany, France, Spain and the United States and is of high quality.

例如“今天应该穿戈尔特斯,而到星期四就要穿美利奴羊毛衣”——当然如果天气多变,我们的衣橱可能因此变得一团糟。Sort of "Gore-Tex today, but merino knits by Thursday" – though this could lead to wardrobe chaos on changeable days.

从最纤长的到极度蓬松的,完全可持续使用的美丽诺柔软系列展示出了澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛的全部特点。From the very fine to the very chunky, fully-sustainable Merino Soft shows the full spectrum of Australian Merino wool.

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全新加工技术的应用进一步提升了美丽诺羊毛针织品的柔软度。New processing technologies have been developed and adopted to further improve the softness of Merino wool knitted products.

这里曾经是恐龙居住的沼泽地,但今天这片干燥的红土地主要居住着顽强的美利奴绵羊。It was once an enormous swamp inhabited by dinosaurs, but today its baked red earth is inhabited mainly by tough merino sheep.

如今,澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛更为优质、细软,在经典时尚的针织类产品中,为人们带来前所未见的多样材质。The Australian Merino wool clip is now finer and softer, allowing for never-before-seen versatility in classic and fashion knitwear.