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灾难不期发生了!A disaster happened unexpectedly.

而现在她竟离他而去。But now she left him unexpectedly.

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竟然在这个时候晋阶了!Unexpectedly in this time Jin position!

我的岳母意外地出现。My mother-in-law turned up unexpectedly.

不经意看见一棵棕榈树。Unexpectedly see a washingtonia palm tree.

靠近竟然是这样一件惊心动魄的事。Near unexpectedly is such an soul-stirring.

他绝处逢生,从沙漠被救了回来。He was unexpectedly rescued from the desert.

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金浩走的很快也很突然!Howard left both very fast and unexpectedly.

“说得好,哈利。”弗雷德出人意外地说。"Well said, Harry, " said Fred unexpectedly.

我没想到会在大街上碰见他。I happened on him in the street unexpectedly.

昨天晚上马蒂尔达姨妈意外地来了。Aunt Matilda turned up unexpectedly last night.

然而,一入秋天便风云突变。By autumn, however, clouds appeared unexpectedly.

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我已经说过,这件事是出乎意外的。I have already said, this matter is unexpectedly.

那旧木屋子意外地烧毁了。The old wooden house was burnt down unexpectedly.

次日,孩子的湿疹居然痊愈了。Next day, child's eczema convalesced unexpectedly.

对不起,应用程序XXXX意外关闭了。Sorry, the application XXXX has closed unexpectedly.

竟希望小莲花当个妒妇。Unexpectedly hope that the small lotus is to envy Fu.

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必竟我们都是时间手中的玩物!We unexpectedly must be all toys in the hand of time!

1989年那样出人意料的变局会浮出水面。Change could happen as unexpectedly as it did in 1989.

乔治。华盛顿猝然逝世。In December 1799, George Washington died unexpectedly.