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从德国战壕中发现的吊裤带。A suspender found in a German dugout.

陆达顺着战壕向下走去。Six reach to follow dugout to go beneath.

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通常的交通工具是独木舟。Dugout canoes a popular means of transport.

但在休息室中就更安静了。But it can be quiet in the dugout around him.

在选手休息区他从不对选手嬉皮笑脸。He does not befriend the players in his dugout.

他说只是感觉有点紧绷,而我马上向休息区报告。He said it was just tight and I told the dugout.

在法鲁考迪尔在防空洞家庭吃晚餐。The Faro Caudill family eating dinner in their dugout.

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然后在比赛日他还是出现在场边。Then it came to match-day and he was there in the dugout.

我会在教练席那一边看到我的一位老朋友。I'll see an old friend of mine standing in the opposite dugout.

花园毗邻的杰克惠纳,霍姆斯特德防空洞回家。Garden adjacent to the dugout home of Jack Whinery, homesteader.

你该看他在我们把他换下来在休息区的模样。You should see him in the dugout when we take him out of the game.

已经接近开赛的时间了,Moyer还在休息室里徘徊。It is nearing game time and Moyer still lingers in the Phillies dugout.

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钧座,俺想顺着战壕走一遭,看看部队。Jun, the An wants to emulate dugout to walk one troops of encounter, looking.

冬天,偈人住在一种叫做“帮古寺”的由泥土和原木制作的独木舟中。In winter the Ket lived in a sort of dugout made of earth and logs called banggus.

当捕鱼归来的独木船回到岸上卸下渔获时,这些鱼就会在海滩上直接出售。This fish is mostly sold on the beach, where the dugout canoes unload their produce.

独木舟悄无声息地在水面上划过,经过泥土的河岸,听见鸟儿在鸣叫。The dugout canoes drift silently along the waters, past mud-banks and screeching birds.

你我无法在一个防空洞休息室棒球投手,并决定是否要触击?Couldn't you or I lounge in a baseball dugout and decide whether the pitcher should bunt?

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我想他随后也意识到了,在教练席上指挥一场比赛是多么的艰难。One of the things he pointed out was how difficult it was to judge a game from the dugout.

在重任教练的首场比赛中,达格利什的球队在足总杯第三轮0比1不敌曼联。Dalglish lost 1-0 to Manchester United in the FA Cup third round in his first game back in the dugout.

阿拉瓦克印地安人划着独木舟,即挖空的树干,出来迎接,向这群陌生人献上礼物。The Arawak Indians paddled out in dugout logs, which they called canoes, and offered gifts to the strangers.