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牛儿偏爱混乱。Bulls love clutter.

太多的污点将杂波。Too many stains will clutter.

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学会怎样辨别杂乱。Learn how to identify clutter.

清理散乱物件和脏的物品。Clean up the clutter and dirtiness.

减少数据流模型中的混乱Reducing clutter in data-flow models

空饮料罐胡乱地堆在桌上。Empty soft-drink cans clutter the desks.

在我的办公桌上大多数的杂物是文件。Most of the clutter on my desk is paper.

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支付账单,回复电子邮件,清理杂物。Pay bills, return e-mails, clear clutter.

这个房间总是凌乱不堪。This room seems always to be in a clutter.

不要把这么多的钱铺得满桌子都是。Don't clutter the table with so much money.

没有塞满您邮箱的电子邮件时事通讯。No e-mail newsletters clutter your mailbox.

打扫干净你生活工作中一切杂乱的地方。Clear your life and workspace of all clutter.

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不要在我的书桌上乱放东西——我刚收拾好。Don't clutter up my desk—I've just tidied it.

我排除了表格式以避免混乱。I excluded table formatting to avoid clutter.

我们从她办公室的杂物开始。We started by clearing her office of clutter.

要是你清空桌上的杂物,又怎么样?What if you cleared the clutter from your desk?

试图这么做将把树视图弄得一塌糊涂。Attempting to do so would clutter the tree view.

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对于一个自由的桌面环境来说,凌乱的线路绝对是一个灾难。Cables are the bane of a clutter free workspace.

将你杂乱无章的办公桌清理干净。Clear off your desk where you work from clutter.

第二件你可以做的是对付杂波。The second thing you can do is deal with clutter.