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他是一个敏锐的观察家。He is an acute observer.

他也是个天生的观察家。He was also a born observer.

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他是一位天文观测员。He is a astronomical observer.

他是位无偏见的观察者。He is an independent observer.

画家必须敏于观察。A painter must be an acute observer.

将旁观者与伤痛区分开。Separate the observer from the pain.

布纳则主要是作为观察员参与其中。Loebner participates mainly as an observer.

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这里置身局外的观察人代表了什么?What does this observer ab extra represent?

成为一名观察者是改革创新的关键。Becoming an observer is a key to innovation.

起初,那位新上任的治安官以观察员的身份出庭。At first the new jp attends court as an observer.

训练自己成为敏锐的倾听者和观察者。Train yourself to be a keen listener and observer.

这是波尔的妻子,她是一个观察家。And then, there is Bohr's wife who is the observer.

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观察者被思维聚拢在一起,作为过去。The observer is put together by thought as the past.

你必须是"惯性观察者"才行You have to be what's called an "inertial observer."

他眼镜上有红心!He's got hearts on his glasses!" one observer called out.

这是一个军官。A second observer took his place. This one was an officer.

观察家托赫兰恩还注意到这次选举本身是递补选举。Observer Thoahlane also notes that this was a by-election.

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我又将自己带入,成为这个葬礼的观者I've smuggled myself back in as the observer of the funeral.

我又将自己带入,成为这个葬礼的观者“I've smuggled myself back in as the observer of the funeral."

我们之所以知晓他是个热衷的观察者,是因为他同时也是一个作家。We know he was a keen observer because he was also an author.