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一分钟是一小时的六十分之一。A minute is the sixtieth part of hour.

这将是奶奶的六十大寿。It will be Grandma's sixtieth birthday.

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一分钟是一小时的六十分之一部份。A minute is one sixtieth part of an hour.

一分钟是一小时的六十分之一。A minute is the sixtieth part of an hour.

今天是我爷爷的六十大寿。Today is my grandfather's sixtieth birthday.

但是,民主党人丧失了其第六十票。But the Democrats have lost their sixtieth vote.

今年是联合国成立60周年。This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations.

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事实上,你可以搭地铁,在第六十街下车。Actually you can take the subway and get off at Sixtieth street.

今天是我国独立六十周年纪念日。Today is the sixtieth anniversary of our country's independence.

他六十岁生日那天,渔民为他开了个庆祝大会。On his sixtieth birthday, they held a great celebration in his honor.

人在60岁诞辰之际,反思往往多于庆祝。Sixtieth birthdays generally trigger more reflection than celebration.

分角的度量单位,等于一度的六十分之一,或60秒。A unit of angular measurement equal to one sixtieth of a degree, or60 seconds.

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六十岁的生日对中国人来说非常重要,但是她并不用点着蜡烛的蛋糕来庆祝她的生日。The sixtieth birthday is important for Chinese, but she didn't celebrate with a cake and candles.

在中国文化中,六十岁的生日是件大事,完成了一个甲子的轮回。Sixtieth birthdays are big ones in Chinese Culture—the culmination of a complete astrological cycle.

保持了经济社会发展的良好势头。建国六十周年大庆是2009年中国最受瞩目的一件大事。Sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the PRC in 2009 China's military parade is the most watched event.

它为中心的一场音乐会“,以表彰他在十九八十六的六十大寿音乐家。It centered on the making of a concert to honor the musician on his sixtieth birthday in nineteen eighty-six.

我的妻子有了她的第六十个生日在六月,我们的五分之二十个结婚纪念日是八月二十日。My wife had her sixtieth birthday in June and our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary was the twentieth of August.

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伊尚画室是一间美术大学里面的,教授课程的是这间美术学校的教授,年过花甲。Isan is a studio inside the University of Fine Arts, of the course was that the School of Fine Arts professor, passing his sixtieth.

瘾科技的最新交货的英国阁楼是蓝牙耳机捷波朗斯通预计在11月8日的美国。" It is "expected" delivery addiction with the latest UK Jabra Bluetooth Headset "sixtieth" loft on 8 November in the United States.

在您六十大寿之际,请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝福,祝你健康、长寿、生活舒畅!Allow me to congratulate you with all my best wishes upon your hing reached your sixtieth birthday. May you live a long, healthy and joyful life.