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这就是解放生态学。This is liberation ecology.

他在研究阿米巴的生态。He is studying the ecology of ameba.

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描述性的生态学是干燥无味的课题。Descriptive ecology is a dry subject.

洪水过后的生态公园的苍鹭。A heron at a flooded ecology park in Seoul.

陈博士是生态学上首屈一指的科学家。Dr. Chen is a leading scientist in ecology.

生态因素是生产力的内在要素。Ecology is the internal element of productivity.

景观中社会性、艺术性、生态性的平衡发展。At Iast, the balance of society, arts and ecology.

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生态脆弱与经济落后具有孪生性。Backward economy often twins with fragile ecology.

略论稻田养鱼与农田生态。Outline of rice paddy pisciculture and cropland ecology.

龙·卡伯绘制的生态标志意义的图像解释。Visual explanation of how the ecology symbol was created.

在生态学方面,是保罗。霍肯和茱莉。博特福莱。希尔。Paul Hawken and Julia Butterfly Hill, on the ecology side.

采矿采药加剧生态恶化。Mining and gathering medicine herbs made ecology even worse.

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凡此所言,可视为植物生态学。All this is plainly put it, can be regarded as plant ecology.

Blog将会充满了公众写作的每一个焦炉。Blogs will fill every niche in the ecology of public writing.

许多学生认为描述性的生态学是干燥无味的课题。Many students think that descriptive ecology is a dry subject.

这项研究结果出现在8月的生态期刊杂志上。The research appears in the August issue of the journal Ecology.

青海地处高原,生态脆弱。Qinghai Province is located in plateau area with fragile ecology.

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这是一种对生命和世界原生态的感悟。This is a kind of original ecology sentiment over world and life.

我们将采取措施保护日月潭的风景和生态平衡。We’ll have to take steps to protect the lake’s scenery and ecology.

生态学是一门与环境密切相关的学科。Ecology is a subject that is closely connected with the environment.