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他辞去了校报编辑的职务。He resigned the editorship of the school paper.

这本书是由他担任主编出版的。The book was issued under his general editorship.

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他原以为下一个一定轮到他当编辑。He assumed he was next in line for the editorship.

信息对于学报编辑工作非常重要。Information to the editorship is of great importance.

这家杂志社并未因更换编辑而受到损失。The magazine has not suffered by a change of editorship.

他原以为下一个一定轮到他当编辑。但是当他们任命一个外人的时候,他确实感到受了极大的欺侮。He assumed he was next in line for the editorship . He got a real slap in the face when they appointed an outsider.

利用网络技术可以彻底改变编辑工作的传统模式,实现编辑过程现代化。Net technology may be used to totally change the traditional model of editorship so that the editing process is modernized.

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对于在你担任编辑期间,一个助理编辑对这种程度的非法行为负有责任,你是否感到惊奇?Are you surprised that an associate editor under your editorship was actually responsible for this level of illegal activity?

本文介绍在计算机中描述梯形图语言的基本方法,同时也讨论了编辑它的全屏幕实现的基本原理。The paper presents an elemental method of implementing trapezoidal graph language and its full screen editorship in microcomputer.

五要加大经费的支持力度,重视编辑队伍建设,全面实现编辑技术手段现代化。Enlarging supportive allotment of the expense, strengthening the building of contingent, realizing the modernization of technical means in editorship at all.

抗战爆发至共和国成立前的文学生产与编辑出版行为之间的关系是互动的。Literary production and editorship from the outbreak of Chinese resistence war against Japan to the founding of P. R. China is a process of alternate moving.

科隆这个月离开了新闻集团,迈勒也因为默多克集团窃听门的曝光而失去了编辑工作。Mr. Crone left News International this month. Mr. Myler's editorship of the newspaper ended when Mr. Murdoch shut the paper down this month following the explosion of phone-hacking revelations.

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网络新闻传播的发展促使网络新闻编辑体系的逐步形成,在客观上加强了对这一体系进行实践总结和理论研究的需要。The development of online news communication makes the editorship system of online news come into being gradually, which enhances the needs of summarizing it in practice and studying in theory.