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食物是燃料。Food is fuel.

但是,火箭燃料?But rocket fuel?

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来自空气的燃料?Fuel from the air?

油用完了。The fuel gave out.

正在进行放油。Fuel dump is in progress.

我们被燃料死死地绑住了。We are tied down by fuel.

乙用少得多的燃料。B. It uses much less fuel.

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它只不过多烧点你的汽油罢了。It simply burns more fuel.

我们必须节约燃料。We must economize on fuel.

来点有机燃料如何?How about some organic fuel?

保持燃油流动量均匀。Keep the fuel flow constant.

加油站也无气无油。Gas stations are out of fuel.

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正确的汽油泵是有缺陷的。Right fuel pump is defective.

高涨的燃料和粮食价格?Soaring fuel and food prices?

我们地球上有矿物燃料。We have fossil fuel on Earth.

政府当局开始对燃油征收一项新税。A new tax was imposed on fuel.

你现在准备放油吗?Are ready for fuel dumping now?

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把燃油管闷住进行修理。Blind the fuel pipe for repair.

柴油可用作柴油机燃料。Gas-oil is used as diesel fuel.

其中燃料再燃是一种很有效的方法。One of these is fuel reburning.