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高炉结瘤是能够预防的。The accretion in blast furnace is preventable.

对传统与有机食物的转基因污染正在扩大。GM contagion of accepted and amoebic aliment is accretion.

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单一河口坝砂体内部发育河口坝增生体。The inner single debouch bar develops accretion sand bodies.

连生模型无法解释三颗轨道靠外的行星。The accretion model can't account for the three outer gas giants.

此能量释放使吸积盘成为巨大能量的来源。The energy release can make accretion disks formidable power sources.

面向对象的模型使得我们可以用聚少成多的方法来写程序。The object-oriented model makes it easy to build up programs by accretion.

建立了对应于霜冰和光冰的两种冰增长模型。The two ice accretion models corresponding rime and glaze are established.

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横华先生在里面住了这么长时间,不可能一无所获。Horizontal Mr. Hua at in live so long-term, impossible a have no accretion.

其动力学过程是冈瓦纳裂解和亚洲的增生。It geodynamic pro-cess is marked by Gondwana disporsion and Asian accretion.

然而,随着资料和证据的逐渐增多,合理的怀疑最终将被消除。But the slow accretion of data and evidence eventually eliminates reasonable doubt.

目前大质量恒星形成的理论主要有两种,即吸积说和并合说。There are two main theories concerning massive star formation, accretion and merger.

我们对自然的科学知识也正通过自我修正添加新事物得到发展。Our scientific knowledge of nature grows through a self-correcting accretion process.

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天体物理吸积盘是具有反常粘滞的流体盘。It is well known that accretion disks are hydrodynamic disks with anomalous viscosity.

周围快速成长的圆形区域内的回转能量会把动力给与外围的喷射气体。The rotational energy of the spinning accretion disk adds momentum to the out-flowing jet.

方法利用腹腔镜对粘连性肠梗阻28例进行粘连松解术。Accretion lysis was applied by laparoscopic in 28 cases of adhesive intestinal obstruction.

最成功的人最后都是那些人,他们的成功来自于自己的逐步积累。The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion.

这表明榆树对当地沙丘的形成和固定起主要作用。That implied elm trees may play an important role on the accretion and fixation of sand dunes.

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观察动脉灌注化疗栓塞前后肿块的大小变化、术中肿块粘连状况及出血量的多少。Volume change of mass, accretion state and haemorrhagia amount during the operation were analyzed.

随着社会需求的增大和技术的进步,SCARA机器人将会得到迅速的发展。With the accretion of demand and progress of technique, the SCARA robot will be developed quickly.

积冰几何形状对翼型气动系数的影响是复杂的。The ice accretion geometric characteristics have complex effects on airfoil aerodynamic coefficients.