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他用细绳来捆扎包裹。He tied the parcel with twine.

用麻绳构造一个椒盐卷饼形状。Form a pretzel-like shape with the twine.

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它们缠绕在一起,就像松散的线球。They’re tangled like balls of loose twine.

成品的麻绳应该从两个地方伸出。You should end up with twine emerging from two places.

外观吊牌不同纸张质量,字体或麻线附件?Exterior hangtag with different paper quality, font or twine attachment?

强度及刚性好,后固化快,适用于普通缠绕制品。Good strength and rigidity, fast curing, suitable for common twine products.

耐热耐水性好,适用于普通连续缠绕制品。Good heat and water resisting, suitable for common continuous twine products.

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最好有个助手帮你从墙上分开麻线,帮助你保持松紧。Have an assistant detach the twine from the wall and help you maintain tension.

如果系的绳子或者捻的绳子高过容身之处的高度,你必须加一个节水滴杆。If you tie rope or twine higher than the shelter, you should attach drip sticks.

这些分子链彼此缠绕,形成缆线状的结构。These strands of molecules twine around each other to form cable -like structures.

在Darwin注视世界最大的线球,Minneapolis以西62公里。Behold the World's Largest Ball of Twine in Darwin, 62 miles west of Minneapolis on US 12.

在他身后,夜色深沉,我看见椅子上缠绕着大团的线,显然经过了不同程度的修补。Behind him, shrouded in darkness, I saw spools of twine and chairs in various states of repair.

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更好的是,可以参观它旁边的博物馆,在礼品店里面买麻线球的入门工具。Better yet, visit the museum beside it and buy your own twine ball starter kit in the gift shop.

然后用勺子把这些配料装进鸡的空膛里,再用麻绳把鸡腿和翅膀系好。Spoon the stuffing into the cavity of the chicken, then tie the legs and wings with kitchen twine.

女人想给他一个着地的坠子,却冷不防过了界,变成缠绕。The woman thinks the ear pendant of his touchdown, however by surprise crossed a boundary, become twine.

他开始收集支票整理起来,把一百张合成一扎,一扎扎用绳捆牢。He began to collect them and sort them out, in packages of a hundred, tying each package securely with twine.

矮平部位的网点吃亏是由于网点被网丝遮蔽和曝平时平线透过网点而变成的。Hihglights part of the loss is due to net-point are Twine masking and exposure time line through the mesh point.

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康晨的脸上沾满了污垢,脖子上用绳子挂着一个电筒。Kangchun’s face was smeared with dirt and he carried a flashlight suspended from his neck with a piece of twine.

也有不戴帽子,用白毛巾和白布裹头的,俗称缠头回回。Have, wear cap either, wrap up in head with white towel and calico, commonly called as, twine hair go back, go back.

盘带机是纺织织带成品分卷设备,需要使用到收放卷控制。Twine coil machine is a divided coil equipment of textile twine product, need to use the control of furl and expand.