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它的成熟的和可接受的变更是什么?What is its maturity and receptivity to change?

这是因为身体的细胞的天然的接受能力。This is because of the innate receptivity of the body cells.

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目的探讨子宫内膜容受性的影响因素。Objective To explore the affected factors of endometrial receptivity.

法制宣传教育的对象是一切有接受能力的公民。Legal publicity and education is for all citizens with the receptivity.

雄猫的存在,可提高雌猫的性兴奋。The presence of a male cat heightens the female cat's sexual receptivity.

一个组织的状态与它接受改变的能力有很多关系。The state of an organization has much to do with its receptivity to change.

胞饮突可用于评价子宫内膜容受性。Pinopldes played an important role in evaluating the endometrial receptivity.

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这种波动很好地调谐了松果体的感受性和敏感知觉的能力。They fine-tune the receptivity and subtle perceptual abilities of this gland.

所以这种关于接受力的观念也是学习的一部分,你还想说别的么?So this idea of receptivity is a part of that Do you want to say anything else?

原装接收天线,加强信号接收能力。The original installation receiving antenna, strengthens the signal receptivity.

因此应提高民族贫困地区学生对社会支持的感受性和对支持源的利用。So we should improve social support's receptivity and the using of support source.

目的详细阐述雄性大鼠交配实验模型的制作方法及应用前景。Results All females showed high degree of receptivity and copulations were obtained.

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目的初步探讨万艾可改善子宫内膜容受性的作用。Objective To initially evaluate the effect of viagra on improving the uterine receptivity.

舔得少的母鼠的雌性后代也显示像成鼠一样较多的性接受度。The female offspring of low-licking mothers also showincreased sexual receptivity as adults.

本文通过数值模拟的方法,研究了超音速边界层对自由流中局部扰动的感受性问题。The supersonic boundary-layer receptivity to local disturbance in freestream is studied by DNS.

子宫内膜螺旋动脉血流参数,可作为评估子宫内膜容受性的指标。The resistance index of uterine helicine artery was used as an index of endometrial receptivity.

不足之处是生产的纸张不透明度低,柔软性和吸墨性差。However, such papers are much handicapped by their inferior opacity, softness and ink receptivity.

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有神论与无神论是对立的,只有无神论与无神论之间才互有可接受性。Being opposite between theism and atheism, the mutual receptivity still remains between theism and atheism.

子宫内膜容受性下降为肾虚不孕症的发病机制之一。The decrease of endometrial receptivity is one of mechanism of infertility with kidney-deficiency syndrome.

同样的嘹亮大方的声音可以增强我们的声音吸引力。Similarly, bright, generous voices can increase interpersonal attraction and receptivity toward another person.