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订阅费是多少?How much is the subscription?

订户的订阅名称。Subscriber's subscription name.

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用户和预订管理。User and subscription management.

你交订阅费了吗?Have you handed in your subscription?

付费方式视使用或订阅而定。Payment is per-usage or subscription.

我们续订了杂志。We renewed our magazine subscription.

我们按年度缴纳5英镑的订阅费。We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.

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免费软件,但是需要申请Spotify, Free app but requires subscription

表决权的份量取决于认缴资本额。Voting is weighted by capital subscription.

他用银行本票支付购股金。He payed his subscription by banker's order.

他向那新医院提供了捐助。He gave a subscription toward the new hospital.

他们决定靠募捐的办法来筹集这笔款子。They decided to raise the money by subscription.

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是可以用以秘密发起收购某公司的一种方式。A means is used to start subscription secretively.

我们可以提供帮助,这是订阅ewin.com服务的一部分。We can help as part of a subscription to

我已续订了晚报。I have renewed my subscription to the evening paper.

但承诺人仍享有署名权。Of course, the promise still has subscription rights.

已将订阅标记为重新初始化。The subscription has been marked for reinitialization.

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但是,每个主题只能属于一个订阅。But each subject can only belonged to one subscription.

这很有趣,因为我没有和东西方研究所订阅。That's funny because I don't have and EWI subscription.

订阅已经过期,必须重新初始化。The subscription has expired and must be reinitialized.