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1929年他在乌尔姆了个指挥职务。He got his first conducting post in 1929 at Ulm.

1929年他在乌尔姆得到了第一个指挥职务。He got his first conducting post in 1929 at Ulm.

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世界上最高的钟塔位于Ulm小城。The highest bell-tower in the world is in the city of Ulm.

来自乌尔姆学生如参加了在瑞士苏黎世“索”中继。Students from Ulm participated e. g. at the "SOLA" relay in Zurich, Switzerland.

一家人定居在德国南部位于斯图加特和乌尔姆之间的小镇布劳博依。His family settled in Blaubeuren, a small town in southern Germany located between Stuttgart and Ulm.

后来他的家庭定居于布劳伯亿伦,那是德国南部位于斯图加特和乌尔姆之间的一座小城市。His family settled in Blaubeuren, a small town in southern Germany located between Stuttgart and Ulm.

1879年,爱因斯坦出生于德国乌尔姆的巴伐利亚市,17岁时,为逃避服兵役,他移居瑞士。Born in the province metropolis of Ulm in 1879, physicist moved to Switzerland at 17 to dodge naval service.

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到了第三天晚上,我带着一身寒气和泥泞,咯吱咯吱地把自行车骑进德国城市乌尔姆的一家客栈。On the third evening it was a cold and muddy cyclist who squelched into a gasthaus in the German city of Ulm.

在此之前,他担任过基尔大学和乌尔姆大学教授,范德堡大学访问教授。His previous positions included professorships at the Universities of Kiel and Ulm as well as a visiting professorship at Vanderbilt University.

同时,乌尔姆设计学院对于包豪斯的批判继承也可作为我们批判继承乌尔姆设计学院最佳的范本。Meanwhile, the Ulm School of Design will be the best model criticism for the Bauhaus inheritance can also be inherited as our critical Ulm School of Design.

这个在德国南部城市乌尔姆附近洞穴中的发现,至少可以追溯到28000年以前,它是用沙泥岩制成,并在破损后被丢弃。The find, which has been dated to be at least 28, 000 years old and found in a cave near Ulm in Germany, was made from siltstone and was apparently discarded after being broken.

七月八日,在德国乌尔姆城市大厅以及装配大楼将举办一场展览,展出来自纽约的理查德·迈耶建筑事务所的作品。A new exhibition on the work of New York-based Richard Meier & Partners Architects is set to open at the Ulm Stadthaus Exhibition and Assembly Building in Ulm, Germany on 8 July.