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我需要一点咖啡因。I gotta have some caffeine.

睡前避免咖啡因。Avoid caffeine before sleep.

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咖啡因是1820年发现的。Caffeine was discovered in 1820.

减少咖啡和酒精的摄入。Cut back on caffeine and alcohol.

好吧,我承认,我对咖啡因有点上瘾了。I admit it. I’m hooked on caffeine.

它非常容易上瘾,就像咖啡因一样。It's very addicting, like caffeine.

烘焙的颜色越深也会含有更高的咖啡因。Darker roasts also yield more caffeine.

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咖啡因像任何毒品一样能够使人上瘾。Caffeine can be addicting like any drug.

咖啡因有好的一面,也有坏的一面。Caffeine gets both a good and a bad rap.

巧克力有痕量的咖啡因。Chocolate has trace amounts of caffeine.

就像酒精一样,咖啡因也是一种利尿剂。Just like alcohol, caffeine is a diuretic.

咖啡因是人们紧张和难以入睡。Caffeine makes people nervous and unsleeping.

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咖啡中的咖啡因会使神经紧张。The caffeine in coffee can jangle the nerves.

我们每个人对咖啡因都有自己的极限。We each have our own thresholds for caffeine.

咖啡因会加重某些心脏问题。Caffeine can aggravate certain heart problems.

避免利尿的咖啡因和香草。Just avoid caffeine and herbs that are diuretic.

咖啡因摄入的量越多,睡眠的质量就越差。The more caffeine they had, the less they slept.

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咖啡因会导致流产这一说法是怎么一回事?What’s this about caffeine causing miscarriages?

这类物质中最著名的就是咖啡因了。Caffeine is probably the most famous of the group.

咖啡因可以降低患帕金森病的机率。Caffeine may reduce chance of Parkinson’s Disease.