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好色的老白痴。Lecherous old fool.

好色的老白痴。恶心。Lecherous old fool. Yuk.

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他是一个名为奥丁的好色古神。He's a lecherous old god by the name of Odin.

她的丈夫在法庭上被描绘成一个好色的无赖。Her husband was described in court as a lecherous scoundrel.

他虽已中年,但尚末娶妻,特别好色。Middle-aged , he has never married and has a lecherous side.

男人骨子里全都喜欢美女,但千万别误以为他好色。Men enjoy all the beautiful bones, but do not mistake him lecherous.

我是个好男人!那么谁是历史上最好色的帝王呢?I am a good guy! Then who is the most lecherous emperor in the history?

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无生命的死尸,无奈地诉说着死亡,无头的你很淫邪!Lifeless body, slouching dead Lecherous abcess, where you once had a head!

我让所有的人都认为他是个好色大叔,现在我也受到了说这谎的惩罚。I let everyone believe he was a lecherous old man, and I got what I deserved.

女色有追求权力的欲望,而一些掌权者也有好色的嗜好。The pursuit of power and woman has the desire, and there are a number of power lecherous hobby.

约翰·盖伊1728年戏剧“乞丐的歌剧”讽刺放荡的贵族与政治家的虚伪。JohnGay's 1728 play"The Beggar 's Opera"mockedthehypocrisy of lecherous aristocrats and politicians.

他联合好色的同伙克里奥杀死了大师撒奇,抢走了一部关于武术的宝典。He joined with associates Creole lecherous master Thach killed and took away a Collection on the martial arts.

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但周好色性质,有一个人看到他的妻子后,人才的那个女人很感兴趣。But weeks lecherous nature, have a person to see his wife, the talented people are very interested in that woman.

因此,他们在私下幽会,就这样常常是两个好色男女沉浸在享受跨欢。Therefore, their tryst in private, it is so often the two lecherous men and women are immersed in the enjoyment of cross-Huan.

好色的人难以成功,是因为容易陷入情感泥沼以及人际关系的危机之中。Lecherous person are difficult to succeed, because they are vulnerable in emotional troubles as well as interpersonal relations crisis.

影片中三位主角身处的工作环境都十分恶劣,还都有着一个大权在握、反复无常、处理问题有失公允的老板,有时候他们的老板还很好色。The three main characters are stuck in awful work situations, with all-powerful bosses who are capricious, unfair and in some cases, lecherous.

渡边的小说是在继承了传统的“好色”精神的基础上,融入了现代的人文关怀,形成了自己独树一帜的情爱观。At the basis of traditional lecherous spirit, Wantanabe combines the modern humanistic concern in his creation and forms his unique outlook of love.

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首先对村上小说中所表现的好色文学传统和开放宽容的性爱观进行分析。In the first , the performance of the lecherous literary tradition and the concept of sex of tolerance and openness in Murakami's novels is analysed.

不管是原著,还是以后改编的任何一部作品,好色小生都是一个标签式的人物,只能为妖所迷,无自主意识,最后当高人出手才幡然醒悟。Whether original or adapted after any of a work, is a niche label lecherous figure, only the monster fans, no self-awareness, an expert when the final shot before waking up to their errors.