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沉默良久。A long pause.

长的那辆。The long one.

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好长一段梦啊。A long dream ah.

死亡万岁!Long live death!

皇后万岁!Long live queen!

我们面前还有一段很长的路。A long way ahead.

他留着长头发。He has long hair.

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多长才算长?How long is long?

我的围巾长。My scarf is long.

长长的冲一次热水澡.A long hot shower.

能够爱多久?How long can love?

你集邮滦多久了?How long have you?

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我久盼战斗!I long for combat!

说来话长!真是一言难尽!It's a long story!

一言难尽。说来话长。It's a long story.

自由万岁!Long live liberty!

好久没见?Long time, no see.

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她有一头长发。She has long hair.

我有长长地头发。I've got long hair.

那是好久以前的事。It is too long ago.