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埃林顿和埃弗雷特知道,他是他们做的家伙。And Everett Ellington knows that he's the guy to do them.

没过多久,艾灵顿开始在舞会和聚会上伴奏钢琴。Ellington quickly picked up work as a pianist for parties and dances.

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这个时期创造出来的乐手有阿姆斯特朗,古德曼和挨林顿。This period produced musicians like Louis Armstrong , Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington.

下面是1973年威利斯.科诺菲尔采访爵士乐巨星杜克.埃林顿的部分录音,这是科诺菲尔最后一次与杜克.埃林顿交谈,第二年杜克.埃林顿就去逝了。This was one of the last times Conover talked to him. Duke Ellington died the next year.

在今天看来,爱德华·肯尼迪·艾灵顿“公爵”已然是20世纪里最具有影响力的一位作曲家。Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington is now regarded as one of the great composers of the 20th century.

在20世纪30年代,艾灵顿公爵等人率领的美国“摇摆乐”等乐队发生了真正的变革。The evolution of US "swing" bands like those led by Duke Ellington really arrived during the 1930s.

艾灵顿的音乐创作先于文化归属,但是对历史强有力的自觉永远是其作品的重心。Ellington put music-making before proselytising, but his powerful awareness of history was central to his work.

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休斯顿约翰逊航天中心的埃灵顿基地外面,墨西哥湾上空,这些测试将在一艘国家航空航天局的飞机上进行。The tests will take place on a NASA airplane operating out of Ellington Field at Johnson Space Center in Houston.

在火车或旅行大巴上,艾灵顿开始作曲,回到旅馆房间后,他则会穿着睡衣裤,通过独奏演练进一步丰富自己的作品。Ellington composed on trains and tour buses, then developed his sound with soloists on late-night jams in hotel rooms.

他和所有的摇摆乐队领班一样,在哈雷姆的夜总会、舞厅和大路边自学成才。Like all swing-band leaders, Ellington was a star whose music was forged in Harlem nightclubs, dancehalls and on the road.

很多人认为,像他这样一个声名显赫的黑人音乐家,应当比其他人更敢于直言不讳,但在黑人运动问题上,艾灵顿多数时候选择了沉默。Many felt that a black man of such esteem should be more outspoken, but Ellington often chose to remain quiet on the issue.

他最有名的照片就是迪兹·吉莱斯皮在雪茄烟雾中摇摆以及杜克·艾灵顿的双手在键盘上游弋。Among his most famous pictures, Dizzy Gillespie swayed in clouds of cigarette smoke and Duke Ellington hunched over the keyboard.

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在上次专栏节目中,我介绍了上个世纪20年代期间艾灵顿公爵是如何将爵士乐提升至了新台阶的。In the last instalment of 50 great moments in jazz, I looked at how Duke Ellington moved jazz on to a new level during the 1920s.

爵士音乐家路易。贝尔森去世,享年84岁,他被爱灵顿称为是世界上最好的鼓手。The Jazz musician, Louie Bellson, described by Duke Ellington as the world's greatest drummer, has died in Los Angeles at the age of 84. Mr.

他采访了许多伟大的乐音乐人,如比丽.赫利迪、杜克.埃林顿、路易斯.阿姆斯特朗,他播放当时最有名的音乐人的最好的爵士乐。He interviewed great jazz musicians such as Billie Holliday, Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong. He played the best music from the most current musicians.

而是来回的,就像Duke,Ellington在指挥,你的学生一定是沉浸其中,普林斯顿的学生对我很好。No, no, no, this is a back and forth, like Duke Ellington Conducted And students must just soak that up Students here at Princeton have been so kind to me.

1899年4月29日,居住在华盛顿特区的黛西与詹姆斯·艾灵顿迎来了爱德华·肯尼迪·艾灵顿“公爵”出世,彼时那里是美国黑人密度最大的城市。Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington was born to Daisy and James Ellington in Washington, DC – then the largest black urban community in the US – on 29 April 1899.

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约翰·吉纳科普洛斯为一家,位于康涅狄格州格林威治的,名为埃林顿基金的大型投资机构,做首席经济学家,这家公司的大名经常见诸报端John Geanakoplos is actually Chief Economist for a large investment company called Ellington Capital in Greenwich, Connecticut, which you'll see a lot in the news.

约翰·吉纳科普洛斯为一家,位于康涅狄格州格林威治的,名为埃林顿基金的大型投资机构,做首席经济学家,这家公司的大名经常见诸报端。John Geanakoplos is actually Chief Economist for a large investment company called Ellington Capital in Greenwich, Connecticut, which you'll see a lot in the news.

图中上方偏左处还能看到埃林顿地,那里被用作多种用于宇航员训练、科研和货物转运的太空署飞行器的机场。Also visible at image upper left is Ellington Field. This airport services a variety of NASA aircraft used for astronaut training, scientific, and cargo transport purposes.