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那些极乐世界的仙女们。Those fairy forms of bliss Elysian.

但这就是真实的芝加哥伊莉希安酒店给我的感觉。This was the exact feeling that Elysian Hotel Chicago gave me.

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硅谷一直是企业春秋大梦的乐土。Silicon Valley is company year great dream all the time is Elysian.

在一些地区,夏天给人以极乐的生活。The summer, in some climates, makes possible to man a sort of Elysian.

在有些地方,夏天可以让人过上天堂般的生活。The summer, in some climates, makes possible to man a sort of Elysian life.

她的灵魂早已是在那里了,它那仙境的路径已认识她的轻盈的脚步。Her soul was already up there, and its elysian paths knew the lightness of her feet.

我不认为人类的终极目标就是在极乐世界中永生。I don't think that human's ultimate goal is to be immortal and live in the Elysian Fields.

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正在准备期末考试的学生,渴望着闲逸快乐的暑假。Students studying for final examinations yearn for the Elysian idleness of the summer vacation.

大理,是一个诗情画意的人间佛国,一个个人居住环境绝佳的人间仙境,一个遍地人性阳光的妙香福地。Dali is a picturesque Buddha center on the earth, a human fairyland with best living environment and an Elysian full of sunshine of harmony.

由于担心这种天堂般的日子无法持续,我拜会了一家职业中介机构,描述了我辞职后一直在做的事情。Concerned that my Elysian existence is not sustainable, I went to see a recruitment agency and described what I've been doing since my last job.

二十世纪初,为了逃避战火,一个犹太家族的四个兄弟都来到了美国则各充满梦想的希望乐土。At the beginning of 20 centuries, to flee flames of war, a hope that 4 Judaic and familial brother came the United States fill a dream each is Elysian.

因此不仅我们拿到名厨托马斯·凯勒的羊脊肉配焦糖茴香这道菜的菜谱,我们还拜访了宾夕法尼亚州的福地农场主人基斯·马丁,他“定期会和他的羊羔说话。”So not only do we get the recipe for Thomas Keller's Lamb Saddle With Caramelized Fennel, we meet Keith Martin of Pennsylvania's Elysian Fields Farm, who “talks with his lambs on a regular basis.