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提出了一种求解整数线性规划的新的隐数算法。This paper presents a new implicit enumerative algorithm for integer linear programs.

六西格玛黑带应该了解什么时候用计数性统计方法、什么时候不用。The Six Sigma Black Belt should know when to apply enumerative statistical methods, and when not to.

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计数组合学主要在探讨一个有限集合中元素个数的计算。The subject of enumerative combinatorics deals with counting the number of elements of a finite set.

阐述割平面方法、整基方法、枚举和启发式方法和逼近算法。Develops cutting plane methods, integral basis methods, enumerative and heuristic methods and approximation algorithms.

为达成获得最佳解的目标,分支界定法是最常采用的列举法之一。With the aim at deriving optimal solutions, branch-and-bound method is one of the most well adopted implicit enumerative approaches.

研究了在分组密码和序列密码中有重要应用的相关免疫布尔函数的计数问题。The enumerative problem of the first order correlation-immune Boolean functions used extensively in block ciphers and stream ciphers is studied.

提出了关于最大团问题的一种新思路基于平均度排序的局部枚举算法。A new algorithm for the maximum clique problem has been presented in this paper, the local enumerative algorithm based on average degree sorting.

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结果显示在可以接受的满意程度内,本方法比穷举法更有效率,并且获得许多重要管理上的意涵。The results indicate that the proposed approach achieves the acceptable satisfaction level and requires less computation time than the brute force enumerative method.

然后,在目标函数超平面上对非基变量和新变量进行隐数计算,从而大大提高了隐数搜寻的效率。Then, an efficient implicit enumerative search is done on the nonbasic variables and new ones on the objective function hyperplane. The algorithm is of interests in theory.

而篇、卷、册作为这三个不同阶段的书籍计数单位,则从一个侧面透示了其演进的轨迹,体现了各自的特点。Being as the enumerative units of book in three different stages, bamboo script, roll and volume reveal their track of evolution from one side and incarnate their own features.

本文同时运用列举方法,分两部分列举了目前国内外运用较多的反收购策略,并对其法律上的可行性进行了研究。In addition, this paper enumerates anti-takeover measures often-used inside and outside China at present in two parts by enumerative means, and studies their legal feasibility.

由于模型中存在较多不确定因素,详细研究了求解该模型即确定选用原料混合比的枚举算法。As the model included some indeterminate factors, enumerative algorithm in detail to solve the model namely to make sure of proportion of each selected raw material was studied.