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我支持曼彻斯特联队。I support Manchester United.

他们在大约1911年的是后来到了曼彻斯特。They came to Manchester around 1911.

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我是英国人。我出生在曼彻斯特。I’m British. I was born in Manchester.

曼彻斯特联队两次获双料冠军。Manchester United won the double twice.

你们在曼彻斯特过得还愉快吧?Have you enjoyed your time in Manchester?

曼彻斯特也有自己的顽疾。Manchester has social blights of its own.

还记得那场对曼城1-6的惨败吗?Remember the 6-1 loss to Manchester City?

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啊,曼彻斯特-曼联队的故乡!Ah, Manchester – home of Manchester United!

中午在曼彻斯特郊外的一家老字号小店吃了饭。Had Lunch at an old pub outside Manchester.

今天是曼彻斯特和伦敦“融合”的一天。It was the day Manchester merged with London.

我认为是凯尔特公园。Yasmin, Manchester I'd have to say Celtic Park.

尊敬的曼彻斯特市长哈克特先生Councillor Mark Hackett, Lord Mayor of Manchester

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我觉得回到主场,将是一场不同的比赛。I think it will be a different game in Manchester.

英国的伦敦排名26,曼彻斯特则是第60。In the UK, London came in No 26, Manchester No 60.

我的朋友纪娥。威尔逊于1955年出生于曼彻斯特。My friend Jo Wilson was born in Manchester in 1955.

我们错过了通往曼彻斯特的高速公路路囗。We overshot the exit for Manchester on the motorway.

在曼联,维迪齐就是至关重要的。At Manchester United, Nemanja Vidic is indispensable.

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曼联球员还有一项光荣传统那就是忠诚。Manchester United have a tradition of player loyalty.

曼联仍不缺身居要职的欣赏者。Manchester United still have admirers in high places.

最后,我预祝上海世博会图片英国巡回展在曼彻斯特举办圆满成功!Finally, I wish Expo Now in Manchester a great success.