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复古的8位平台游戏的行动。Retro 8-Bit platformer action.

其结果是非常复古的。The result was very retro -looking.

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这就是症结所在了These are some problems with retro viruses.

怀旧设计风格的互动游戏电子贺卡。Interactive game e-card with a retro and dark style.

我喜欢复古球衣,红黄搭配!Yeah I like the retro jerseys , red and yellow baby!

现在就让我们重新体验这款动作游戏之王吧!Re-live the retro action with the queen of the arcades.

有装饰的毛衣让牛仔裤更增魅力。Embellished sweaters lend retro charm to a pair of jeans.

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我在一个饭店里看见了这张复古的可口可乐照片。I saw this great retro photo of Coca-Cola in a restaurant.

每个项目都应在结束时进行回顾。Each project should hold a retro ective at the end of its lifecycle.

张靓颖表示,自己非常喜欢这种“时尚复古风”。Jane Zhang said he was very much like the "fashionable retro style."

各种音乐分享、个人钟爱、流行音乐、怀旧音乐等。A variety of music-sharing, personal favorite, pop music, retro music.

21世纪的活力和乐观主义诱发出独特的复古气氛。The retro apartment is inspired y the youth and optimism 21 centuries.

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梳理这段历史,尤其是对其中的典型学人进行分析研究,有助于我们更好地传承学统。A retro look at this history is helpful for us to inherit the tradition.

折叠给人的感觉就像是穿着复古裙装拿着花的女孩那种气氛。Fold sense organ full of girls retro Black Flower Girl Dresses atmosphere.

复古台钟。设计时使用插入一个屏保时钟。Retro Desk Clock. Designed for use when plugged in as a screensaver clock.

本文将阐述执行项目回顾的过程。This document describes a procedure for conducting a project retro ective.

老式的相机,打字机或者是美丽的复古的东西,都让我很感动。Vintage cameras, typewriters and beautiful old or retro things inspire me.

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这个菜单出奇地冷静,精美的设计与影片相得益彰。The menu is a awesomely cool retro design that prefaces the film very well.

所有这些需要用安装在一个复古风格通风器前的一个空间加热器来完成。All these come with a space heater that is tucked behind a retro style vent.

此时伴随的是很快成为时尚的复古迷你裙。It was accompanied by the retro mini skirts that quickly became fashionable.