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高效的消泡剂可以保证工艺顺利进行。An effective defoamer can ensure smooth processes.

消泡剂用于水性墨以及光油。Defoamer for water based inks and overprint varnishes.

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并对该消泡剂的性能进行了分析、讨论。The performance of the defoamer were also analyzed and discussed.

相容性好,有效消泡,通用型。Universal defoamer. Compatibility of good effective anti-foaming.

研究有机硅型消泡剂各组分在消泡及抑泡方面的协同效应。The cooperative effect of organo silicone defoamer components is researched.

是属于有机硅类化泡剂,效果十分明显。UNIS Defoamer is silicone – based one, so it has high defoaming performance.

对新型发酵消沫剂——液态猪油的分离进行了研究分析。This paper describes the separation process of a new fermentation defoamer lard oil.

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本文还扼要地介绍了测定原油消泡剂的方法。A method of determining defoaming rate of a defoamer in foaming crude oil is suggested.

讨论一种在造纸过程中应用的固体消泡剂的制备方法和应用。The preparation method of a solid defoamer for papermaking was discussed in this paper.

论文还详细研究了聚氧烯醚接枝聚硅氧烷在消泡剂中的应用。This thesis also introduces the use of siloxane-oxyalkylene copolymers in the defoamer.

结果显示聚醚改性有机硅消泡剂具有良好的消泡性能。It has shown that this polyether modified polysiloxane defoamer provides good defoaming effect.

成功制备了适用于水性涂料的消泡剂,并与国外产品进行了对比。The defoamer suitable for water-based Coating was successfully prepared and compared with foreign products.

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其组分包括分散剂、腐剂、泡剂、水助荆、联剂和液化剂等。The adhesive consists of dispersant antiseptic defoamer crosslinking agent liquefacient and some other additives.

内含消泡剂,除异味,配用地毯清洗机,家私清洗机和预喷系统。It contains defoamer and gets rid of terrible smell, used in carpet cleaner, furniture cleaner and pre-spray system.

根据有机硅氧烷的低表面张力的特性研究开发了高效消泡剂KHZ。The effective defoamer KHZ has been studied and developed for the property of low surface tension of organosiloxane.

文章还介绍了该消泡剂在化纤及其混纺的针织物和机织物的染色、印花工艺上的多种应用实例。Some applicable examples about the defoamer used in dyeing and finishing of textile materials are given in the paper.

复配有机硅乳液消泡剂稳定性高,成本相对较低,消泡效果较好。The developed defoamer is characterized by high defoaming performance and economic benefits compared with other products.

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较详细地报导了聚醚型消泡剂的合成及在乙烯装置工艺水中的应用。The synthesis of polyether type defoamer agent and its application to the process water in the ethylene device are reported.

为此研制了属有机硅类型的DX型消泡剂。采用该消泡剂可对废泡沫进行迅速、简便、无新污染的消泡处理。So, an organic silicon type DX defoamer has been developed, which can eliminate the waste foam quickly and easily, without new contamination.

阴离子型有机硅表面活性剂具有超低的表面张力,广泛用作湿润剂、亲水剂、乳化剂,流平剂、消泡剂等。And the nonionic and anionic silicone surfactants were used as wetting, emulsifying, leveling agent and defoamer for their ultra-low surface tension.