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我不认为奉献是无聊的。I don't think altruism is boring.

忘我主义的反面是自私自利。Altruism is the opposite of selfishness.

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这的确可帮我们解释利他主义。It actually can help us explain altruism.

但他承认,这并非基于纯粹的利他主义。But he acknowledges it is not pure altruism.

利他主义是公司菜园的另一大收获。Altruism is another big draw to the company garden.

我们能从一群蚂蚁身上得到同样的利他主义。We'd get about as much altruism from an ant colony.

对于张跃来说,这不仅仅出于他的环保主义。All this is not simply green altruism on Mr. Zhang's part.

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可是也有关于利他主义具有生物学根源的证据。There are also indicators that altruism has biological roots.

中国的这种干预措施不需要中国无私奉献。This sort of intervention by China would not require altruism.

无私和家庭价值也能影响长期的幸福。Altruism and family values also influenced long-term happiness.

互利主义和亲族选择是两个主要理论。Reciprocal altruism and kin selection are the two main theories.

所以,貌似利他主义不过是一种微妙的利已主义罢了。So, it seems, altruism is simply self-interest of a subtle kind.

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嬉皮士宣扬利他主义和神秘主义,诚实、喜悦与非暴力。Hippies preach altruism and mysticism, honesty, joy and nonviolence.

忘我主义的例子俯拾皆是,广泛存在于人类和其它哺乳动物群体中。Examples of altruism abound, both among humans and among other mammals.

调查表明,瑞典的精子捐献者完全是出于自愿才那样做的。According to research, Swedish sperm donors do it out of a sense of altruism.

当代有关利他主义的讨论迅速转向生物进化的解释。Contemporary discussions of altruism quickly turn to evolutionary explanations.

所以利己也是善,利他也是善,都是人类的本能。Therefore, self-interest is also a good, altruism is good, is a human instinct.

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但是,真正从他人福利出发的利他主义是否存在,在文献上存在很大的争论。However, there is a great debate in the literature if true altruism really exists.

下一步,他的团队希望测试儿童,试图发现利他主义行为是从何时、如何发展的。Next his team hopes to test children, and find out how and when altruism develops.

人们一向以为,德国的外交政策一度是受利他主义所驱使的,其实不然。The idea that German foreign policy was once driven by altruism was always a myth.