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和奥巴马一样,里根也是一个很好的演讲家和社会活动家。And like Obama, Reagan was a good speechmaker and campaigner.

斯加皮罗极力推行美国商业使用更为严厉的规章制度。Mr Schapiro is a campaigner for tougher regulation of American business.

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我是个一直对可怕的双牛仔布的外观充满激情的活动家。I have always been a passionate campaigner against the dreaded double denim look.

今年,一位孟加拉反贫困活动家和一家银行成为诺贝尔和平奖得主。这使得这一奖项的目的变得模糊起来。An anti-poverty campaigner and a bank in Bangladesh have won this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

绿色和平食品安全与可持续农业项目负责人罗媛楠表示.Lorena Luo, Greenpeace's food and agriculture campaigner in China, asked in an emailed statement.

她是最新一位在普京的俄罗斯死于枪杀的富有国际名望的人权斗士。She was the latest human-rights campaigner of international renown to be gunned down in Putin's Russia.

在路上,我问一个组织竞选活动的老手,需要有多少人到场我们才不会显得难堪?On the way to the meeting, I asked a veteran campaigner how many people we needed to avoid embarrassment.

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陈晓祎,一位做了母亲的艺术家,也是他们当中的一员,还是“绿色革命”的奋斗者。Chen Xiaoyi, a parent and artist, is one of them, in addition to being a campaigner for "Green Education".

一次,杰克参加了一个讲座,演讲者是苏格兰著名的医生以及禁酒倡导者。Jack once attended a Temperance lecture given by Scotland's top medical man, a noted anti-drink campaigner.

行为介入者艾琳•奥尔说,她小时辰听身为苏格兰甲士的祖父说过这只熊的故事。Campaigner Aileen Orr said she first heard about the bear as a child from her grandfather, a Scottish soldier.

中国出征者中最有经验的程菲凭借在自由体操中稳定的发挥给胜利画上圆满句号。China's most experienced campaigner Cheng Fei sealed the victory with a solid performance in the Floor exercise.

虽然她很快因政府换届而失去这一工作,但一直以来,她都作为日本妇女的代表,不知疲倦地进行社会运动。She has been a tireless campaigner for Japanese women, though her job soon fell victim to a change of government.

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“我们在拉丁美洲吸收的成员给我们的使命带来了转变,”一个参加者告诉我。“When we started hiring people on the ground in Latin America they transformed our mission, ” a campaigner told me.

直到Ko夫人在2004年死于乳腺癌,她一直是金正日事实上的第一夫人,对孩子而言还是一个积极的活动家。Until Ms. Ko died of breast cancer in 2004, she was Mr. Kim’s de facto first lady and a fierce campaigner for her sons.

现在,他成为了反种族主义的积极的活动家,并且是国际足联关于种族主义“零妥协”政策的支持者。These days he's a vociferous campaigner against racism and supports FIFA's zero-tolerance policy on this global problem.

英国媒体和政府一如既往地对这位印度反对殖民统治的领袖表示出轻蔑的态度。The British press as well as the government routinely took this disdainful view of India’s leading anti-colonial campaigner.

在第一任妻子琳达因乳腺癌病逝四年后,2002年,麦卡特尼与前名模、慈善活动家米尔斯结婚。McCartney married the former model and charity campaigner in 2002, four years after his first wife Linda died of breast cancer.

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早先的入选者有苏格兰首席大臣尼科娜·斯特金、活动家劳伦斯夫人以及在2013年入选的女王陛下。Previous winners include Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, campaigner Baroness Lawrence, and the Queen, who won in 2013.

Brownstein在公司已经有几个月了,但Reichenthal对他的期望已经远远高于创意总监了。Brownstein has been with the company for a few months, but Reichenthal added expectations are now high for the creative campaigner.

但今年她在名人榜上屈居第二,让位于34岁的好莱坞女演员朱莉。朱莉还是位人权运动人士,并养育六个孩子。However, she is relegated to second place this year by Jolie, 34, the Hollywood actress, human rights campaigner and mother-of-six.