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镜头,让您能保存各类摄影机视图并且添加各类电影动作。Shots, so you can save camera views and add cinematographic movements.

可用于任何类型的相机从胶片单反针孔到电影。Can be used for any type of camera from film SLR to pinhole to cinematographic.

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于是,这些影像成为客观叙事和主观叙事的一个交汇点。Hence, the cinematographic imagery becomes an intersection of objective and subjective narration.

聪明、幽默却又感人,本片探索了电影叙事的新道路。For its intelligent, humorous and yet moving exploration of new paths in cinematographic story telling.

女性电影美学无疑是对百年的电影艺术的一大贡献。Feminine cinema aesthetics is undoubtedly a great contribution to the cinematographic art of this century.

电影摄影机、放映机,不论是否带有声音的录制或重放装置。Cinematographic cameras and projectors, whether or not incorporating sound recording or reproducing apparatus.

介绍了振动磨机内部动力学研究的最新成果。The machine dynamics inside the vibration mill is investigated in this paper with the aid of cinematographic method.

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已曝光已冲洗的电影胶片,不论是否配有声道或仅有声道。Cinematographic film, exposed and developed, whether or not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound track.

而企业和影视作品的版权期限是50年,截止于作品首次发表后的第50年。For legal entities as well as for cinematographic works copyright terms are 50 years since the first publication of the work.

楼上,在绘图和执行精度继续留下深刻的印象,创造房子的电影氛围。Upstairs, the precision of the drawing and the execution continues to impress and create the cinematographic atmosphere of the house.

进入90年代以来,以数字化为代表的电影艺术的技术性革命对电影文化产生至关重要的影响。From the beginning of 1990's, the digital technology revolution of cinematographic art is giving the most importance impact on cineculture.

进出口光学、照相、电影、计量、检验、医疗或外科用仪器及设备、精密仪器及设备、上述物品的零件、附件。Optical, photographic, cinematographic , measuring, checking, precision, medical of surgical instruments and apparatus arts and accessories thereof.

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其它已曝光及已显影之电影胶卷,不论是否并含声带或仅为声带者均在内,宽度35公厘或以上者。Other cinematographic film, exposed and developed, whether or not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound track, of a width 35mm or more.

其他曝光及已显影之电影软片,不论是否并合声带或仅为声带者均在内,宽度35公厘以下。Other cinematographic film, exposed and developed, whether or not incorporating sound track or consisting only of sound track, of a width less than 35 mm.

第九条外国录像制品根据国际著作权条约构成电影作品的,作为电影作品保护。Article 9 Foreign video recordings shall be protected as cinematographic works to the extent that international copyright treaties treat them as such works.

第九条外国录像制品根据国际著作权条约成电影作品的,作为电影作品保护。Article 9. Foreign video recordings shall be protected as cinematographic works to the extent that international copyright treaties treat them as such works.

新浪潮电影导演遭受苛刻的电影审查限制,审查是为了让他们的视点远远地离开真实的,幷不美满的生活。The directors of the New Wave underwent strict cinematographic censorship restrictions. Censorship aimed at making their films depict less of the real and miserable life of the times.

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第十二条外国电影、电视和录像作品的著作权人可以授权他人公开表演其作品。Article 12. Copyright owners of foreign cinematographic works, television works and works of video recordings have the right to authorize others to perform before the public their works.