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她总是懒洋洋的,富于肉感。She had a lazy sensual body.

他一直都是很好色的人。He has always been a very sensual person.

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让你的皮肤光滑,柔细,感觉愉悦。Keep your skin smooth, silky and sensual.

狮子是非常感性的,有时还很性感。Leos are very sensual and sometimes very sexy.

在黄道十二宫里它是有名耽于声色,主义。It is also the most Sensual sign in the zodiac.

暴食者可从吃中得到感官上的愉悦。A glutton derives sensual pleasures from eating.

灯光、小道具和性感的能量充斥在空气中。Lighting, props and sensual energy fill the air.

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洪帆生活中是一位感性、真挚的艺术家。In daily life Hong Fan is a sensual and truthful artist.

在这种情境之下,生活总是糜烂的,肉感的。Life is always mushy and sensual under these conditions.

栓子在赵府很快学坏,贪财好色。Emboli in the Zhao Fu soon learn bad, mercenary and sensual.

是的,我非常喜欢这部电影。而且它很感性。Akik Yes, I like that movie a lot. And it's very sensual too.

音乐是精神世界和感官世界之间的桥梁。Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.

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撩人地推拿和足底按摩是帮助她放松身体的好方法。Sensual massage and foot rub are great way to help relax her body.

这星期非常适合音乐方面和感官方面的生活。The weekend is terrific for music & the more sensual side of life!

厨师安东用龙虾和芦笋搭配,制作出了一道口感很好的菜肴。Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus.

然后,用全感官性爱唤醒他们沉寂已久的快感中枢。Then, use sensual lovemaking to reawaken their dormant pleasure centers.

这种柔肤膜使你的皮肤光滑,柔细,感觉愉悦。This moistening mask can satisfy your skin to be smooth, silky and sensual.

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玛琳黛德丽延长她充分光荣的感表演。Marlene Dietrich extended in her full glory in a sensual artistic rendition.

现在的人们为声色犬马、功名利禄所诱。Nowadays people are lured by sensual pleasures, prestige, wealth, and power.

沉到漩涡之中是指沉溺在五种感官欲乐中。Sinking into a whirlpool means indulgence in five kinds of sensual pleasures.