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一个会喷出硫磺的卫星。A moon that spews brimstone.

也许消防和硫磺和威胁的地狱。Maybe fire and brimstone and threats of Hell.

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在北太平洋硫磺坑正在喷发。The erupting Brimstone Pit in the North Pacific.

在进攻地狱时,你会看到硫云风暴。When invading an Inferno, you will see Brimstone Stormclouds.

硫磺烈火是我们正在关注的天赋,同样的还有熔火之心。Fire and Brimstone is something we're looking at, as is Molten Core.

耶和华的气如一股硫磺火,使它着起来。The breath of Jehovah, like a stream of brimstone , Sets it on fire.

他们两个就活活的被扔在烧着硫磺的火湖里。These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

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在训诫的最后,又出现了地狱火。You're getting the last little hellfire and brimstone sermon at the end.

他从我这里偷走了硫磺!现在我要把他毫无生命意义的身体撕碎。He stole the Brimstone from me! Now I shall tear it from his lifeless body!

和是啊,我印指出,电子邮件和坚持,它在我的硫磺和胆囊的笔记本。And yeah, I printed out that email and stuck it in my Brimstone and Gall notebook.

一种属于资深级的,很能打动人心,但浑身散发着令人不安的油滑气息。One type is senior and smoothly charming, yet emits disturbing whiffs of brimstone.

魑魅要住在他的帐幕中,硫磺散布在他的居所之上。Let the companions of him that is not, dwell in his tabernacle, let brimstone be sprinkled in his tent.

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虽然被特里的花言巧语迷得神魂颠倒,但麦考维对泰勒的死还是有所保留。Where McCorvey holds back from the full fire-and- brimstone rhetoric of Terry is over the death of Tiller.

到罗得出所多玛的那日,就有火与硫磺从天上降下来,把他们全灭了。But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

以东的河水要变为石油、尘埃要变为硫磺、地土成为烧著的石油。Its streams will be turned into pitch, And its loose earth into brimstone , And its land will become burning pitch.

燃硫炉是制糖工业中用来制备二氧化硫气体的主要设备。The brimstone furnace is one of the main installations in producing the sulphur dioxide in sugar production project.

上帝如果真的恨恶人,为什么不降下硫磺雷火,把他们烧个精光呢?Why DOes not God, if he really hates the wicked, as he is said to DO, send DOwn brimstone and fire, and consume them altogether?

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在我们国家,似乎很多人都认为上帝掌管着地狱,他将火和硫磺从天堂降于索多玛城是因为索多玛人干过的那些无耻的勾当。Most people in my own country seem to think God reigned hell, fire, and brimstone down from the heavens because the Sodomites fucked a few dudes in the ass.

我国绝大多数氯乙酸生产企业采用以硫磺粉为催化剂的间歇氯化生产工艺,而国外大都采用连续化氯化反应器,以醋酐为催化剂。Many of China's producers adopt interrupter chloration process by brimstone catalyst, however continuous chloration reactor by acetic anhydride catalyst has been used abroad.

1992年老戈尔夫妇为了小戈尔和我的竞选竭尽全力,他那老式的充满了火药味的户外政治演说给了我极大的鼓舞。Senator and Mrs. Gore had campaigned hard for Al and me in 1992, and I got a big kick out of hearing the Senator give his old-fashioned stump speeches full of fire and brimstone.