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这是他惯常的模样,是一种好斗的表情。He was in no truculent state of mind now.

但那其中的粗俗普通却真实地揭示了一个既矛盾又有趣的人物。But their truculent honesty makes for a paradoxical and amusingly human revelation.

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中国最近在自己人权记录方面展示了好斗性。China has appeared truculent recently in the face of challenges to its human rights record.

他笔下那些煽风点火的政客,诸如蓝皮艾伦之流,卑鄙残忍不下于库珀的抗租者。His demagogues, who bear names like Aaron Blue-Skin, are as meanly truculent as cooper's Anti-Renters.

我记得她曾带我去见一个面目狰狞的红脸膛老绅士,身上挂满了勋章和绶带。I remember her bringing me up to a truculent and red-faced old gentleman covered all over with orders and ribbons.

汹汹,充满了自我怀疑,她把传单和完成能力倾向测试,最终被说服。Truculent and full of self doubt, she takes the leaflets and is eventually persuaded to complete an aptitude test.

穆旦是中国新诗派诗人中风格最浓烈且最有成就的诗人。Among the poets of the new poetic school, MU Dan was a poet who held the most truculent style and the highest accomplishment.

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唐朝年间,潮州韩江流域存在着一种生性凶猛,能伤人畜的鳄鱼,当时的韩江也因此被称为“鳄溪”或“恶溪”。During the Tang Dynasty in Han River valley of Chaozhou, there was a kind of truculent crocodiles harmful to mankind and other animals.

实验结果与海水对虾池实际情况相符,认为太阳池效应是雨后虾池对虾毁灭性死亡的一个重要原因。In sum, it seems that the solar ponds effect is an important reason for the truculent death of prawn in the seawater ponds after the rain.

只有那个黑人和我靠得近,可以听到他讲的话,但那个警察也听出他声调里有问题,于是用严厉的目光向这边看。Only the negro and I were near enough to hear what he said, but the policeman caught something in the tone and looked over with truculent eyes.

中国是一个崛起中的大国,但在与周边国家的领土或海上纠纷上,它也是一个越来越凶猛好战的国家,无法超越狭隘的考虑。China is a rising power, but also an increasingly truculent state on territorial or maritime disputes with its neighbours, unable to rise above narrow considerations.

港口邀请当地人参观航母的做法,会在中国目前种种增加军事透明度的办法中“再创新高”。Port calls in the region with invitations to locals to visit the ship could eventually mark a new high in China’s currently truculent approach to transparency about the military.

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美国和欧洲盟国清楚地看到,要想就加大制裁伊朗力度一事和好战的俄罗斯与机警的中国达成共识,现在的难度更让人破费脑筋。The United States and its European allies will clearly find it trickier to forge a consensus with a truculent Russia and a wary China on harsher sanctions to curb Iran's nuclear drive.

家里有钱,人长得也强壮,学习成绩很好但也爱打架,做事蛮横无理,班里同学一般都不敢顶撞他。From rich family, also strong, the academic record is very good, but also likes fighting, does something truculent and unreasonable, other class schoolmates do not dare to contradict generally to him.