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这是矛盾的。That is contradictory.

它几乎是出奇的矛盾It's almost insanely contradictory.

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海子生命是矛盾的。The life of HaiZi is contradictory.

牐牐矗?智慧的代价是矛盾。The intelligent cost is contradictory.

世界本身就是一个矛盾统一体。The world is an entia filled with contradictory.

我被互相矛盾的陈述搞得莫衷一是。I was bewildered by the contradictory statements.

你发现他话里的矛盾地方了吗?Have you found anything contradictory in his speech?

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差异的反义词组的特色是什么?。What are the characteristics of contradictory antonymy?

那本书是一堆自相矛盾的草稿的汇编。The book is a shapeless mass of contradictory rough drafts.

这是当今中国自相矛盾的一个怪现象。It is strange and contradictory phenomenon to today's china.

我的感觉是——当然信息是矛盾的。My feeling is -- of COURSE the information is contradictory.

让这门课充满矛盾、前后不一致,充满困难吧。Let the text be contradictory and inconsistent and difficult.

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系统安全包括两个有些冲突的目标。System security consists of two somewhat contradictory goals.

但悖论的真值是不确定的、矛盾的。But the truth-values of paradox is uncertain and contradictory.

通常人们从这些书上获得的信息是矛盾的。Often people find the information in these books contradictory.

虽说这两个政党剑拔弩张,但是他们并不矛盾。The two agendas sit in tension, but they are not contradictory.

他们把感情看做来一张矛盾力量纠缠的网。They think of emotion as a tangled web of contradictory forces.

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他说他对手那些自相矛盾的词语令他感到腻烦。He says he’s tired of the challenger’s contradictory statements.

理想自身不会包含任何不清不楚或言行一致的东西。In itself it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory.

摇滚乐作为一种艺术形式,它的发展是矛盾的。The development of rock as an artistic form has been contradictory.