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在碳上,生物电也是赢家。On carbon, too, bioelectricity was a winner.

可以说是一种特殊的生物电诊断仪器。It was a kind of special bioelectricity examination instrument.

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这台仪器可以记录植物体中生物电的变化。This instrument can record the changes of bioelectricity in plants.

也许你已经在Youtube上看到有人可以控电。You have probably seen Youtube videos of people showing signs of bioelectricity.

也就是说,人体生物电的不正常就是万病之源。In other words, the abnormality of human bioelectricity is the source of all diseases.

因为肉里带着生物的信息,带着生物电。Because in the meat is having the biological information, is having the bioelectricity.

所有疾病都是人体经络不通。Western medicine thinks all-diseases can be refll cted in the abnormality of bioelectricity ofaody.

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这种信息、这种生物电,即使把肉磨成粉沫也是不会消失的。This kind of information, this kind of bioelectricity , even if will also not vanish big eater Cheng Fenmo.

本文首先概括了基于生物电信号的人机交互技术产生和发展的趋势。At the beginning, the tendency of the human-computer interactive technology based on bioelectricity is epitomed.

“在大多数情况上,生物电的效率完全比酒精的高,”Camphell说到。"It's simply the case that bioelectricity is just a lot more efficient than using ethanol, in most ways, " says Campbell.

脑电是极为复杂的非周期生物电信号,对脑电的研究始终是现代科学的一大热点。EEG is a kind of complicated non-periodic bioelectricity signal and its research is still an important field for modern science.

有可能是非常短暂而微弱的生物电,如脑波与心肌收缩电位。Possibly they were sensing very brief, weak forms of bioelectricity such as brain waves and heart muscle contraction potentials.

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根据墨菲斯的说法,人体产生的生物电可超过一枚120V,而产生的热能超过25000个英国热量单位。According to Morpheus, the human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120V battery, and more than 25000 BTU 's of body heat.

肌肉运动时会有很小的生物电变化,表面肌电图的振幅、频谱指标均会发生相应变化。The muscle will produce tiny change of bioelectricity. The amplitude and power spectrum of SEMG will change with muscular movement.

生物电是生理学的重要内容之一,也是生理学的教学难点。The part about bioelectricity is one of the most important parts of physiology, and one of the teaching difficulties of physiology.

肉食进到体内以后不可避免地要干扰人体的生物场,干扰人体的生物电。The meat will enter to vivo later inevitably must disturb human body's fresh object field, will disturb human body's bioelectricity.

本文设计并实现了基于USB接口的通用多通道生物电数据采集系统的研制。The paper presents a general multi-channel bioelectric signal acquisition platform base on USB interface for all kinds of bioelectricity.

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利用这种芯片,就可以设计成一台仪器,用来调节人体的生物电达到正常,那么,所有疾病都可以不药而愈了。In succession, all diseases will be spontaneously conquered if apply this kind of chip to regulate abnormal bioelectricity into normal condition.

但科学家在生物电与乙醇的比较上,没有考虑到其他的作用,如水的消耗,或者空气污染。But the Science study doesn't take into account other impacts that bioelectricity might have compared to ethanol, like water consumption or air pollution.

当然,生物电在运输上的应用前景也依赖于电动车辆的普及。Of course, such a bioelectricity future for transportation would also rely on widespread availability of cars and trucks with batteries and electric motors.