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他们大步走在松软的草皮上。They strode over the springy turf.

那儿的山花在春光中争艳There, when the turf in springtime flowers

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而土耳其的南部偏远地区却是一片蛮荒之地。But farther south Turkey is on virgin turf.

人们的乡土观念受到威胁。People's sense of turf has been threatened.

当春天草地上百花盛开。There, when the turf in springtime flowers.

小心印度豹!这里是印度豹的天下!Watch out for cheetahs! This is cheetah turf.

一片薄薄的冷雾鬼影般地从草地升起。A thin, icy mist was ghosting up from the turf.

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草丛累累,堆着一些古坟。Where heaves the turf in many a moldering heap.

龟裂的草皮一丘丘隆起。Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap.

最引人注目的地方就是拥有一个大泥炭炉。The centre of attraction was the large turf fire.

基地组织高层人物藏匿在他的地盘。Senior al-Qaida figures are sheltering on his turf.

指出剪草是禾草草坪管理的核心内容。Turf mowing is a core part of turfgrass management.

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我们在一起待了三天,吃海鲜牛排大餐。We spent three days together, eating surf and turf.

老大只有纽约邮报一块小地盘。Lachlan had little turf to call his own but the Post.

这儿的草皮上长着芒柄花和女拖花。Rest-harrow and ladies-slipper grow in the turf here.

1个关键疑难题目是球队在人造草坪上训练时间的长短疑难题目。One key issue is the time the teams spent training on turf.

当谈到竞争对手时,郭台铭誓死捍卫自己的领地。When it comes to competitors, Gou fiercely guards his turf.

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它们的领土战争很短,入侵者被赶走了。Their turf war is short, the trespasser has been driven off.

地毯草是一种典型的暖季型草坪草。Carpet grassAxonopus compressus is a typical warm season turf.

这相当于纽约市四倍的草皮面积。That's a stretch of turf four times the size of New York City.