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数按某一数制的一种表示。A representation of a number in a numeration system.

纯二进制记数系统中的基数补码。The radix complement in the pure binary numeration system.

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表示二进制信息的一种信道编码方法。Of or relating to a system of numeration having2 as its base.

二进位和十进位计算有着根本的区别。There are radical differences between binary and decimal numeration.

讨论了阻抗参数的计算方法。The method of impedance parameter numeration is discussed in this paper.

早期算数和计算法的发展痕迹可以很容易就找到。Evidence of early stages of arithmetic and numeration can be readily found.

这个模块有很多的计算,它的最大特点也就在于此。This part has many function of numeration. This is the most characteristic.

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使用十进位数字字和基数10记数的一种位置法。A positional system of numeration that uses decimal digits and a radix of10.

在匹配理论中,完美匹配的计数也是匹配理论的一个重要的研究方向。The numeration of perfect matchings is also one of main focus of matching theory.

对旅游气候舒适度的定量评价采用指数计算法。Use index numeration do quantitative appraisal of tourist climate comfort degree.

然而,对于很大的数,这种编号制度的效率很低。For large numbers, though, the " hash mark " numeration system is too inefficient.

文中提供了一种有效且比较符合工程实际的计算方法,等效变形参数法。There is a numeration method which name is equivalent deformation parameter method.

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而以往的文献所讨论的计算法求解接触方程时都比较复杂。Solving the contact equation in the numeration introduced by the literature is very complicated.

有关文献已经针对这个问题提出了一些算法,但这些算法所需的计算次数比较大。Some algorithms have been mentioned in related papers, but these algorithms need large numeration.

文中还给出压降测试值,探讨了流型和压降计算方法。Presenting pressure drop testing numerical value, discussing flow pattern and pressure drop numeration method.

采用十进位数字字和基数为十的固定基数的计数制。在这种计数制中最小整数权是1。The fixed radix numeration system that uses the decimal digits and the radix10and in which the lowest integral weight is1.

探讨了应用MATLAB实现分段函数的绘图并求出给定点处的函数值。This paper discussed that how to realize the plot of the subsection function and numeration of the function value in given point using MATLAB.

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方法采用立体几何作图法和三角函数计算法进行体内弹道射击角度计算。Method The angles of the bullet ballistic inside body were analyzed by ways of solid geometry construction and trigonometric function numeration.

数学概念测试是针对计算方法和几何、测量、分数、货币和数字运算。The Math Concepts test deals with numeration and number systems, whole numbers, geometry, measurement, fractions, currency, and number sentences.

通过对现行国民经济效益计算方法的研究.运用交通分配理论论证了现行计算方法中运量分析存在的问题。Through research on the present numeration of national economic benefits, a problem in traffic volume analysis is put forward by traffic assignment theory.