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重订目标决不会为时过晚。It is never too late to reformulate your goals.

我们可以用,矩阵乘法或矩阵乘积的形式来表述这些式子。And we can reformulate this in terms of matrix multiplication or matrix product.

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但到了最后,他们决定做任何事的风险都太大,除了重新制作墨水。But in the end they decided it was too risky to do anything but reformulate the ink.

也许,现在是政府重新思考并重新制定草原管理模式的时候了。Maybe, it is time for the government to reconsider and reformulate model of grassland management.

食品公司承诺要么重新调整成分或者到2013年止停止销售这些产品。The companies promised either to reformulate them or stop marketing them to children by the end of 2013.

这些新媒体科技表现媒体重构时空的力量,如同「代理」经验。These new media technologies demonstrate the power of media to reformulate space and time as a surrogate experience.

对于最小均方差方法,我们首先改写其数学表示式,使矩阵与矩阵的乘法运算可以被避免。For the MMSE method, we first reformulate the MMSE solution in a way that the extra matrix multiplication can be avoided.

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滚动时域估计的基本策略就是将状态估计问题化为一个二次规划问题。The basic strategy of MHE is to reformulate the estimation problem asa quadratic program using a moving estimation window.

他说合作者正在尝试改良液体的生物碱成粉末状便于用在害虫防治上。He says collaborators are trying to reformulate the liquid chemical into a powder form that might be more useful in pest control.

为了环境保护,包装业也开始重新规划和设计包装产品已期获得更高的包装效率和更少的包装废弃物。To protect the environment, the packaging industry is moving to reformulate products and design them for efficient and safe disposal.

于是,食品生产者迫于压力重新改变产品配方和在产品包装上重新标注以便使消费者知道他们在吃什么。Accordingly, the food processors are under pressure to reformulate products and re-label packages to help consumers understand what they are eating.

为此,我们必须在重新确立我国零售业发展战略的基础上,寻求我国零售业进一步发展的具体措施。So we must reformulate development strategies of Chinese retail trade and exploring concrete measures for further development of Chinese retail trade.

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恰加斯病在拉丁美洲以外国家造成的威胁促使世卫组织将消灭恰加斯病的努力变成一项全球规划。The threat posed by Chagas disease in countries outside Latin America has prompted WHO to reformulate Chagas elimination efforts as a global programme.

大约一年前,有一个行政发展小组提出建议,打算改写他们公司的价值观,以获取新的精神动力,作为一个成长型公司的姿态出现。About a year ago, one group of their executive development classes suggested that they reformulate their values of the company in order to capture the spirit of GE as a growth company.

问问孩子他会怎样解决这个问题,如果周围没有小孩,你可以想想怎样能重新组织这个问题,让小孩也能听得懂你在说什么。Ask a child how they might tackle a problem, or if you don’t have a child around think about how you might reformulate a problem so that a child could understand it if one was available.

杜邦公司还和其他氟聚合物生产企业共同宣布,于2006年底前调整用于生产涂料的氟聚合物分散液的配方。DuPont, in cooperation with other major producers of fluoropolymers, has also announced that by year -end 2006, it will reformulate its dispersion products used for coating applications.

汉代的立法者觉得没必要表述这一范畴,因为他们所描述的“情境”看起来足以形成责任归属和刑罚判决的基础。Han legislators saw no need to reformulate those categories since the "situations" which they described seemed an adequate basis for the imposition of liability and determination of punishment.

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如果用公式表达的话就会用到向量,如果用向量的话,我们就需要一些对我们显而易见的方法,来解决它。And, you'll see that if we reformulate Kepler's Law in terms of vectors, and if we work a bit with these vectors, we are going to end up with something that's actually completely obvious to us now.