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还是鸡内脏?Chicken entrails?

绿色内脏。Entrails of greenness.

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温斯顿的五脏六腑似乎都变成了冰块。Winston's entrails seemed to have turned into ice.

那来吧,走狗。我会把你的那些杂碎拿去喂耗子!Then come, dog. I will feed your entrails to the rats!

看不见的射线切割翻转着我的内脏,找有没有金属。The invisible rays sliced and diced my entrails in search of metal.

将响螺去壳、去肠,洗净后用热水烫过。De-shell and remove entrails of conch, clean and scald in hot water.

虫子越扭动。我就越恨不得挤出它们的内脏!The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails !

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旅馆和食物,而我像一个坐卧不宁的麻风病人一样走来走去。Hotels and food, and I'm walking about like a leper with crabs gnawing at my entrails.

两只巨龙在自己的血泊和内脏堆中躺下了。Two of the Dragons were lying, bathing in their blood and covered with their own entrails.

照片中所有的外星人内脏,其实是羊脑,木莓酱和鸡肠。All the alien innards in the film were actually sheep brains, raspberry jam and chicken entrails.

本文研究了栉江珧闭壳肌及其脏器的营养成分。This paper studied the contents of nutrition composition of adduct and entrails of Atrina pectinata.

一种乐器。它通过马尾毛在猫的内脏上磨来擦去达到为人类的耳朵搔痒的目的。FIDDLE, n. An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse's tail on the entrails of a cat.

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尸体狠狠地摔在鹅卵石上,以至于猛地被撞散,溅了她一小腿的内脏和蛆虫。The carcass hit the cobbles so hard that it burst open, spattering her lower legs with entrails and maggots.

他们通过观察鸟类的飞翔和检查献祭动物的内脏来预测未来。They foretold the future through observing the flight of birds and examining the entrails of sacrificed animals.

不管怎样,你有一大群富有经验的内脏审查者,他们专司分析你的每一根血管,每一根筋。Anyway, you have a huge posse of experienced entrails -sifters who do nothing but analyze your every vein and lobe.

于是他们便去找一位医生来,医生剖开死者的身体,从肠胃里把砒霜刮出来装在一只匙羹里。They fetch a doctor, who opens the dead body, and collects from the entrails and stomach a quantity of arsenic in a spoon.

先知负责解读梦境,着魔者的行为,以及作为祭品的动物内脏上的纹理所包含的神谕。The oracle interpreted dreams, the actions of entranced persons, and physical signs found in the entrails of sacrificed animals.

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存在着对从坟墓里窜起而后又在我们的五脏六腑尽情享乐的亡灵的恐惧倒是真的,只是未公开承认罢了。Or perhaps there exists a genuine if publicly unacknowledged fear of the dead rising from their graves and feasting upon our entrails.

但是,如果在烹饪之前内脏完全剔出而且腹腔清洗干净的话,河豚还是无毒无害的。However, the pufferfish is usually harmless if the entrails completely are removed and the if cavity is washed thoroughly prior to cooking.

如果兽医认为牠们的行为有可疑之处,将针对血液或尿液样本进行分析,或对其内脏采样分析。Analysis will be carried out on blood or urine samples, or on samples of the animal's entrails if vets believe their behaviour is suspicious.