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您认为“奢侈品包装的绿色革命”特区的展示如何?How did you think about"Luxe Pack in Green" area?

奥巴马是穆斯林和外国人,第一夫人在花着公民的钱过着奢侈的生活。He’s Muslim and foreign. She’s living the luxe life on your dime.

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您对2011上海国际奢侈品包装展是否有任何意见或建议?Do you have any comment or suggestion for Luxe Pack Shanghai 2011?

这是一个在泳池边、海边和湖畔享受“奢华”生活的季节。It's a luxe life by the pool, at the ocean and on the lake this season.

您希望在2011上海国际奢侈品包装展上看到哪些地区的展商?What areas of exhibitors are you looking for in Luxe Pack Shanghai 2011?

而此行不同于在坎昆,他将支付的所有豪华开销的费用。And this trip, unlike Cancún, would be all expenses paid--and triple luxe.

泰坦尼克号海滩度假酒店临近土耳其的安塔利亚。Location. Titanic De Luxe Beach and Resort Hotel is located near Antalya, Turkey.

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在豪华包,我们将首映具有这些新观念的所有特殊版本。At Luxe Pack, we will be premiering special editions featuring all of these new ideas.

来自西班牙的奢华品牌,在南京西路有他们的专卖店。LOEWE, the Spanish luxe retailer, has a shop in one of the malls on Nanjing West Road.

有抱负的设计师靳犹嗯赵创建此车设计研究奢侈品品牌香奈儿。Aspiring designer Jin Young Jo created this vehicle design study for luxe brand Chanel.

淡淡的颜色,轻型结构和高品质奢侈让。Pitti exhibitors freshen up with subtle colors, lighter construction and elevated luxe.

正如任何皇家豪华性能还有很长的,有些会说抽出回的故事。As with any Royale de Luxe performance there is a long and some would said drawn out back story.

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雪佛兰总经理Coyle把两条新的产品线投入了1935年鏖战的市场中,标准系列和豪华系列。For the 1935 race President Coyle entered two lines of Chevrolets, the Standard and Master De Luxe.

豪华的垃圾法龙罗位居前列,其抵消了蓝色和粉红色的水平条纹对角线晋级。The Junk De Luxe Faron Polo stands out with its offset diagonal cut of blue and pink horizontal stripes.

由于采用了金属加工的部件,这款豪华的耳机具有炫目、精致的外观。These luxe earphones have a sharp and refined look, thanks to their metal-crafted parts adding a pop of shine.

避免与坦珀利伦敦的经典黑色羊皮背心配体结合区顶传授与奢华的波希米亚边缘的外观。Top off a classic LBD with Temperley London's black sheepskin vest to impart your look with a luxe bohemian edge.

这是一个在泳池边、海边和湖畔享受“奢华”生活的季节。What's the idea of swimsuits this season? It's a luxe life by the pool, at the ocean and on the lake this season.

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人造皮草几乎和真的一样暖和,轻盈,可以让你的整套搭配看起来更加华美。Faux fur is almost as warm and light as the real thing, and it makes everything in your outfit a little more luxe.

这里有只有男士才能参加的交易会,这里的房租与其他旅游城市相比比较低,普通旅馆受到奢华旅馆的排挤。Stag parties have moved on, bohemians have left for cheaper rents, and youth hostels are being squeezed by luxe hotels.

帝乐文娜公馆亦提供完善的商务设备及服务如秘书服务、迷你健身室、会议室及工作间等。The Luxe Manor also provides a business centre with full secretarial services, mini-gym and meeting and breakout rooms.