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只要有你的存在,我就是这世上最幸福的人。Only the esse , I having you am this the most happy person of the in this world.

刑事诉讼法规定对现行犯可以适用先行拘留。Criminal laws stipulate that detention de bene esse can apply to active criminal.

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是由于分布电容的存在而产生的耦合。Is because of the esse of the distributed capacitance but the coupling of the creation.

人的内心是很隐秘的,我们无法了解他,许多人甚至不知道他的存在。The person's heart is very hidden, we can't understand him, many people even does not know his esse.

“我们将在三年之内,使爱喜成为俄罗斯超细卷烟市场上第一品牌,”他补充说。"We will make Esse the No. 1 brand in the Russian super-slim cigarette market within three years, " he added.

爱喜在东欧的表现也很强劲,在波兰和乌克兰的超细领域排名第三。Esse is also making a strong showing in Eastern Europe, ranking third in the super-slim category in Poland and Ukraine.

目的分析影响教育旗袍的存在问题,探讨其中可行性对策。Objective Analysis influence health education esse problem that into practice, study among them possibility counterplan.

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英美刑法理论界对严格责任持有各种观点,但对其在实体上和程序上分别定义才是恰当的。There are also many viewpoints on the strict liability. But the definition should be divided into both esse and process.

但神却非人能以语言表达,人给予神最适当的名字即存有本身。However, for human beings, God is ineffable, the proper name which humans can attribute to God is the name of"Ipsum esse".

钴是人体内一种必需的微量元素,在生物体内均以配合物的形式存在。Cobalt is a form esse that a kind of essential little chemical element inside the human body, all to match with in living creature thing.

同时指出,活性成膜物和对粘态膜起“钉扎”作用的高熔点物是高温热处理保护涂料的必备成分。Furthermore, it can be concluded that an active viscid membrane and a high melting point constituent which can fix viscid membrane are the esse.

造成了私营企业主除了合法的政治参与,也存在非法的、非制度的政治参与。Resulted in the private enterprise lord besides participating legally, and also the esse is illegal, the not institutional politics participates.

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区域污染源的管理和治理既涉及到广域的地理空间实体又涉及到众多相关的环境因素。The management and treatment of regional pollution resources involve esse in vast geographic space as well as many related environmental factors.

第三部分是论文重点,提出解决问题的方法,从四个方面解决现阶段作文中存在的语法问题。The third part is phrasing problem that thesis point, put forward the problem-solving method, from four aspects resolve the present stage wrote essay esse.

本文介绍了我国临终关怀的兴起与发展现状,并对其发展的社会背景进行了阐述,最后指出了我国临终关怀事业发展过程中的现实问题。The research analyses the current situations and the problems in esse. And then made pointed references to some proposals in order to boost the hospice care in our country.

现代艺术的使人的精神变的日益丰富并具有个性,因此,新现实主义绘画决不能只有一种存在形式。The spirit that modern art make the person changes increasingly abundant and have the character, so that, new and realism painting will never can contain a kind of esse form.

现行的企业科技创新创业激励机制,不同程度地存在着诸多弊端或障碍性因素。The current business enterprise technology is creative to start a business the factor of many irregularities or obstacles that encourage the esse of the mechanism, different degree.

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行旅过北韩的摄影家田益宾指出,‘北朝鲜没有真正意义上的艺术,因为那里不允许个性存在。’Traveller over photograph North Korea the house farmland benefit guest point out, ' north towards fresh without real the art on the meaning, because disallow the character esse there.