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她保存着一枚未曾用过的猴邮票。She keeps an unused stamp of monkey.

删除不用的代码或者特性。Remove unused code or unused features.

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于是我可以淹没那枯涸的眼。Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow.

油流中的间隙表示未使用容量。Gaps in oil flow indicate unused capacity.

那闲置美都只能随你去陪葬。Thy unused beauty must be tombed with thee.

一个未启用的医院侧厅被封锁了。An unused wing of the hospital was sealed off.

全套配件连盒,未用过,一年保养。Full set with box, unused , one year warranty.

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奥格登·纳什所写剧本未被使用。An unused screenplay was written by Ogden Nash.

Ndiaye想去耕种那些闲置的地块,他是这样说的。Ndiaye wants to farm the unused plots, he said.

暂时不用的取压口应棒料丝堵密封保存。Unused taps shall be plugged with bar stock plugs.

归还不再使用的材料到合适的存储点。Return unused material to the proper storage place.

实际上,一切污染都是未利用的资源。Actually, all polution is simply an unused resource.

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实际上,一切污染都是未利用的资源。Actually, all pollution is simply an unused resource.

某汽车横向稳定杆未经使用即发生开裂。An unused automotive cross-steadied stick was cracked.

将您未使用的分钟数留到真正需要的时候。Keep your unused minutes for when you really need them.

坦白的说,因为你一直付他钱去清洁一辆不用的车,而他没有清洁,任何改变都会是改进。Frankly, since you are paying him to clean an unused car

您可以把没有用完的人民币兑换成外币。You can convert the unused RMB back into foreign currency.

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暂时不用的可以用塑料盒储存在冰箱中。Store the unused part in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

你会把自己的闲置物品放到二手市场去卖吗?Will you sell your unused goods in the second-hand market ?

因此,谘商节数之间,稍加间隔,并非没有用途。Hence the interval between consultations does not go unused.