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没有智慧的头脑,就象没有腊烛的灯笼。No sapiential mind , as no candlelit lantern.

这是一个精英的团体,这是一场智慧的交流。It was a team made up of geniuses and a sapiential communication.

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2008年北京奥运会,您将是充满智慧的、绿色的。In 2008 Beijing Olympiad , your general are to be full of sapiential , green's.

敬畏是人类在与大自然进行物质能量交换过程中采取的智慈生存策略,是人类的美德。Awe is a sapiential strategy of human beings to survive on the world, and it is a virtue.

因此,他们在此问题上会积极投入,认真思考,并会有智慧的思想火花迸发出来。So they will try their best to think this problem and they will have the sapiential thought.

各方面热切期盼从这里听到富有智慧的声音,凝聚战胜危机的力量。Every party earnestly expects to hear the sapiential voices and the power of conquer the crisis.

但是,世界上唯一可以改变人类命运的仍然是具有智慧的人类。But, in the world unique being able to change destiny of humanity's still is to have sapiential human being.

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这种深具禅学慧思的美学思想,不仅成为清代杰出艺术思想的典范,更是深广地影响着后世中国绘画的风尚。His profound thought which contains the sapiential concept of Zen is the core of outstanding artistic thought in the Qing dynasty.

我们希望有达到这种可能的人士或团体与我们联系。我们希望您或您们是智慧的,有效率和最后是安全的。We hope any individuals or groups who can reach this probability may contact us and we hope that you are sapiential , efficient and finally safe to us.

书是我的亲密朋友,多年来它对我不离不弃,忠诚地陪伴守候在我身边,给了我思想的启迪和智慧的钥匙。Book is my hand-in-hand friend, she and I are together all along, and she loyally strings along with me and gives me ideaistic edification and a sapiential key.

是有别于只此“需要”一条路的设计认识,特别因存在而觉悟可能存在的创造。Conceptive design is a design theory, which research and practice on sapiential existent possibility and possible existent, emphiasize particularly on exist rather than need.

生成性教学关注学生主体、焕发生命活力,提升教学智慧、促进教师生成。Generative teaching pays more attention to intersubjective status and individualized development of the students, and lifts teachers' wisdom, and boosts a sapiential teacher coming into being.