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这是Nathaniel,Branden的观点。These are the words of Nathaniel Branden.

这是我想做且我知道纳旦尼尔也会如此。That's what I do and I know that's what Nathaniel did.

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奈赞尼?莫顿描述了他和朝圣者在1620年的所见所闻。Nathaniel Morton describes what he and other Pilgrims saw in 1620.

培养能力就是创造一个强大的心理免疫系统。These are the words of Nathaniel Branden. Psychological immune system.

正如纳撒尼尔。布兰登所说的,我们花了一辈子让自己和自己更格格不入。As Nathaniel Branden puts it – we spend our entire lives alienated from ourselves.

我想现在是时候,让你们知道我是多认真了。内特尼尔·阿齐布尔德将在圣犹大学休学。And I think it's time you all know how serious I am. Nathaniel archibald is suspended from st. jude's.

纳撒尼尔•谢勒后来成为了哈维斯特大学的一名教师,后来又担任了劳伦斯科学学院的院长。Nathaniel Shaler went on to become a teacher at Harvest and then Dean of the Lawrence Scientific School.

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一刻钟内,陌生人已经用那生聂尔文克尔先生的一套礼服打扮齐全了。In another quarter of an hour the stranger was completely arrayed in a full suit of mr. nathaniel winkle's.

“嘿,很酷嘛。你和克莱尔想不想放学后过来跟我们一起打篮球呢?”纳撒尼尔问道。"Hey, cool. Do you and Claire want to come over after school and play basketball with us?" Nathaniel asked.

1872年,黄石公园正式形成之后,纳撒尼尔•皮特•兰福德被任命为该公园的第一位负责人。After the park's official formation, Nathaniel Langford was appointed as the park's first superintendent in 1872.

霍桑通过这一巧妙的叙事安排,为他的小说寻到了不可摧毁的价值。Nathaniel Hawthorne, because of the clever narrative, created the un-destructive literature value for this novel.

纳撒尼尔·霍桑是美国文学史上的浪漫主义小说和心理分析小说的开创者。Nathaniel Hawthorne was the pioneer of romanticist and psychoanalytic novels in the history of American literature.

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那生聂尔·匹布金亲眼目睹的事实,证明了关于老洛布斯的财宝的谣言并没有言过其实。Nathaniel Pipkin had ocular demonstration of the fact that the rumours of old Lobbs treasures were NOT exaggerated.

纳撒尼尔.霍桑的作品受到先验主义哲学的影响,包含个人选择及其结果的思想。Nathaniel Hawthorne's works show some Transcendentalist influence, including a belief in individual choice and consequence.

然而,保罗认为,琼斯在他的故乡温斯顿塞勒姆,数控,他最有名的是已故纳撒尼尔的孙子的。Yet, Paul believes that in his hometown of Winston-Salem, NC, he is best known as the grandson of the late Nathaniel Jones.

现年51岁的纳撒尼尔·布朗在上世纪七、八十年代曾因收受赃物坐过5年监狱,但他在求职时隐瞒了犯罪记录。Nathaniel Brown, 51, spent 5 years in prison in the 1970s and '80s for receiving stolen property but lied about it on his job application.

几个了不起的美国作家都是这家人的朋友,其中包括拉夫·沃尔多·艾默森,内森尼尔·霍桑,和亨利·大卫·梭罗。Several great American writers were friends of the family. They included Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau.

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布朗大学的波美斯诺?纳撒尼尔发现1960年以来流向郊区的居民和工作有着同样的比例。Nathaniel Baum-Snow of Brown University has found that since 1960 residents and jobs have been moving to the suburbs at about the same rate.

年纪小一些的孩子会喜欢听基普林或者伊索的故事,而稍大点的孩子会喜欢听詹姆斯·乔伊斯或纳撒尼尔·霍桑的故事。Younger children will enjoy stories from Kipling or Aesop, while older kids will love hearing stories by James Joyce or Nathaniel Hawthorne.

赫尔曼∙麦尔维尔与纳撒尼尔∙霍桑一样,出身于旧式的富裕家族,父亲去世后,家庭陡然陷入贫困。Herman Melville, like Nathaniel Hawthorne, was a descendant of an old, wealthy family that fell abruptly into poverty upon the death of the father.