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不要跑和回避作掩护,他抽出了他的9毫米火箭筒。Instead of running and ducking for cover, he drew his 9mm sidearm.

当我们来到一处狭小的地方时,我注意到人们低下头来。When we came to a narrow place in the road, I noticed people ducking.

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鸭子在码头下面咯咯叫,养鸭人一弯腰隐入黑暗中。Ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark.

鸭子在码头下面咯咯叫,一个穿着帆布衣服的养鸭人一弯腰隐入黑暗中。Ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark.

他向我点点头,咕哝了声,“西尔维,”便一头扎进了海蒂的爱抚中。He nodded at me, muttering, “Sylvie, ” before ducking back into Hattie’s caress.

我在她身后跌跌撞撞,躲避着她经过的那些沙沙作响的树丛和灌木。I stumbled behind her, ducking the trees and brush that rustled with her passing.

哦,阿曼达,他们什么时候才会让你独自己一人坐上那行刑的浸水刑椅?Oh, Amanda. When will they allow you to have a ducking stool all of your very own?

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你决不会相信,但那美人在我上学认识她时,曾经是个。You'd never believe it, but that beauty used to be an ugly ducking when I knew her at school.

毕竟,要想避开街道拐角处的监控摄像头,只要躲进室内就可以了。A street-corner surveillance camera, easily evaded by ducking indoors, is one kind of intrusion.

美国民众正翘首盼望,现在是民主党人停止逃避责任的时候了.The American people are waiting, and it's time for Democrats to stop ducking their responsibility.

最糟的情况,如果飞机沉的很快,它将使你无法潜入水中到达出口。Worse yet, it may keep you from ducking underwater to reach the exit if the plane is sinking quickly.

下面这些榜上有名的政客也曾遇此难堪,但面对“空中导弹”袭击时身手却没这么敏捷。These politicians have also faced airborne missiles and their ducking didn't prove quite as successful.

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至于汽车嘛、自从我掉进你的河里以后,我对它已经不大感兴趣了。As for motor-cars, I've not been at all so keen about them since my last ducking in that river of yours.

现在,丑小鸭一惊变成了白天鹅,她很快就交到了很多朋友,从此过上了幸福的生活。Now the ugly ducking had become to swan, and she soon make lots friends and led a happy life since then.

大熊座在被地平线的上方,又会隐到其他物体后面像树、山等等。The Big Bear walks atop the northern horizon, ducking behind any obstructions – such as trees and mountains.

今日戏水的蜻蜓与昨日的并无年限的区别——只不过两者之一仅是回忆而已。There had been no years between the ducking of this dragonfly and the other one--the one that was part of memory.

通过猛冲、迅速掉头急转弯,他们可以逃开,即使是最坚定的追捕者。By ducking through thick brushes and around sharp turns quickly, they can evade even the most determined pursuers.

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有趣的是,那些通过钻到管道中避免光照的小白鼠也躲过了一劫。Interestingly, mice who could escape the light by ducking into a dark tube also escaped the worst of the depression.

他象一个不知道自己有多大力量的过分生长的孩子,在球场上埋头苦练。He's like an overgrown kid who doesn't quite know his own strength, ducking his head and freight-training down the lane.

我们会向G20的国家提出这些任务,因为他们的财力和权力使得他们没有逃避责任的借口。We will be addressing the G20 countries, as their wealth and power deprives them of excuses for ducking their obligations.