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智慧与年俱增。Year brings wisdom.

智慧莫过沉默。No wisdom love silence.

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对于智齿,也是同样的道理。Same with wisdom teeth.

自我了解就是智慧。Self-knowing is wisdom.

水,静谧与智慧之宝。Water stands for Wisdom.

他们的智慧尽归无有吗?Has their wisdom decayed?

所罗门智慧过人。Solomon excelled in wisdom.

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他是一个才智超群的人。He is a man of great wisdom.

明哲人却以智慧为乐。Mingzhe but a man of wisdom.

多思出智慧。Much thinking yields wisdom.

丈夫只在智中取!Husband only in wisdom taken!

不智的事是危险的。What is not wisdom is danger.

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多有智慧,就多有愁烦。Much wisdom comes much sorrow.

下围棋需要智慧。Playing go demands our wisdom.

至理名言不会来!Words of wisdom will not come!

犯错是智慧的课程。Mistakes are lessons of wisdom.

道“即变形。Wisdom is about transformation.

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雅典娜是智慧女神。Athene is the goddess of wisdom.

我要去把我的智齿拔掉。I'm getting my wisdom teeth out.

这是传统的思维定势。That is the conventional wisdom.