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有创造力的。Righty is creative.

他们的创造力更强。And they are more creative.

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它是创造性的紧张状态。It is the creative tension.

什么时候你最富创造力?When are you most creative?

它也就这么点创造性。It was really that creative.

让我干点有创意的活儿吧。Let me do the creative stuff.

夜猫子更富创造力。Night owls are more creative.

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这是一种富有创造力的表现自我的方式。It’s creative self-expression.

曼弗雷德,最有创造力的。Manfred was the most creative.

创意纯燕麦片。Get creative with plain oatmeal.

单纯的机器是没有创造力的No mere machine can be creative.

而一些投资者的做法更加高明。Some investors are more creative.

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然而,垃圾邮件制作者是很有创造力的一群人。But spammers are a creative bunch.

欢迎来到上饶苹果创意空间。Welcome to Apple's creative space.

粗磨一个大师,有创造力的新工作。Snagging a great, creative new job.

加入我们的未来主义文创团队!Join the Creative And Cultural Team!

我们是勤勉的,有创造力的人类。We are industrious, creative beings.

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为什么不能说机器有创造力Why not say the machine is creative?

我们将举行创意服装秀。We will have a creative costume show.

思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。Being active, creative and innonative.