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道学是门思索万物运行规律的科学。Daoism is the science of how the universe works.

然而道教同时也是一种信仰众多神灵的宗教。At the same time, Daoism is a polytheistic religion.

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这恰恰回到了道家的哲学和禅学境界里来了。That coheres with philosophy of Daoism and Chan Buddhism.

因此,共产道学的道学基础是太极道学。Therefore, the Daoist basis of the Communist Daoism is Taiji Daoism.

全会结束后不久,当局召开了一次国际道教论坛。Shortly after the plenum ended, authorities were convening an International Daoism Forum.

对立统一属于哲学,互补统一属于道学。Unity of oppositeness belongs to philosophy and unity of complementation belongs to Daoism.

很多信教人士从道教和其他宗教的教义中的确找到了更深层的道德问题答案。Many practitioners do find a deeper moral answer in the teachings of Daoism and other religions.

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本文追溯先秦道家思想起源,推至殷周之际的悲痛历史。This paper derives the origin of Daoism from the tragic fate of the survivors of the Yin dynasty.

儒道两家各有偏重又相互补充,相反相成地融合为共同的和谐美的思想。Confucianism and Daoism oppose and complement each other, and fuse into the thought of beauty of harmony.

流布于稷下的道家各派,在稷下学宫的学术交流环境中彼此互有交流、激荡。Each faction of Daoism had the opportunity for heated debate and exchange in this scholastic environment.

广明先生认识到了水墨若要求得发展就不能背离水墨的精神,不能背弃中国式的道哲学之精神。Mr. Li realizes that sticking to "Spirit of Ink" and Chinese Daoism is a necessity for improving Ink art.

但在中唐时期,佛、道势力的发展,严重冲击了儒学在意识形态领域中的地位。However, in Mid-Tang its status in ideology was greatly impacted by the development of Buddhism and Daoism.

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道教的英文一般是用T来代替开头的D,这是根据老式的威氏拼音。Daoism is usually spelled with a T instead of a D due to the old Wade-Giles way of Romanising Chinese words.

儒家、墨家和道家的和平社会理想无疑都印证在东方和平主义的社会理想之中。The social ideals on peace of Confucianism, Mohism and Daoism are no doubt confirmed in the Oriental Pacifism.

还有的修道者通过习练太极功夫和行医治病来传播道家思想——气功和医疗是两门根植于道家传统文化的艺术。Others spread Daoist ideas through martial arts, such as Tai Chi, or medicine—two disciplines rooted in Daoism.

可能早期的传教士就借用了佛教和道教的天堂地狱的名词来表达。It might have been the early Christian evangelists who borrowed these expressions from the Buddhism and the Daoism.

找回道学真义和科学精神是人类世界必然的要求。It is the inevitable requirement of the human world to retrieve the true meaning of Daoism and the spirit of science.

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妈祖信仰的形成,与佛道二教影响分不开。It is well-known that in the formation of Mazu belief the influences from Buddhism and Daoism play an important role.

也许,道家所谓“上善若水”就是取水自然流淌的过程来比喻最高的善吧!Maybe an old saying in Daoism of 'Water Is Better' is an analogy that best kindness is like a nature running of water!

从兴国州域龙虎道教音乐与民俗形态切入,以“龙虎道乐”中的五大声腔为依据,全面考察该乐种“阴阳”二律的辩证思维方法。This paper starts with the discussion of the dragon and tiger Daoism music and folk custom form in Xinguo State realm.