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他说20年的时间尺度可能太狭窄了。He says a 20-year timeframe could be too restrictive.

尽管如此,自然主义并不像它听起来那么狭隘。Still, naturalism is not as restrictive as it sounds.

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限制饮食并没有让保罗和梅雷迪思放慢他们的脚步。A restrictive diet hasn't slowed down Paul and Meredith.

在这种情况之下,约束并不具有较强的限制性。In this case, the constraints should be less restrictive.

签入锁的限制少于签出锁。A check-in lock is less restrictive than a check-out lock.

这种饮食看起来对我的限制太多了——即使充满热情,还是无法释怀。The diet seemed too restrictive to me — even fanatically so.

制约沙产业发展的瓶颈因素是水。Water is the restrictive factor for sand industry development.

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限制性形容词和非限制形容词各指什么?。What are restrictive adjectives and non-restrictive adjectives?

不过,这种方法有很大的限制且不够彻底。Nevertheless, this approach is very restrictive and not extensive.

欧洲在动物试验方面有世界限制最多的法律。Europe has the world‘s most restrictive laws on animal experiments.

签证常常只给那些高价、限制性的包办旅行。Visas are often tied to expensive – and restrictive – package tours.

排毒减肥餐通常都异常严格、并且卡路里量极低。Detox diets are usually highly restrictive and very low in calories.

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对小鼠灌肠生大黄的泻下作用,有一定的抑制作用。And it has certain restrictive effect on diarrhea of mice due to rhubarb.

但迈尔斯劝告说,建议会面时间时不要限制得过死。But don't be too restrictive when suggesting times, Mr. Miles recommends.

关于重庆城市市容市貌建设。City visage is the restrictive factor of Chongqing city identity building.

初九告诉我门在家庭里要建立严格的家规。Showing its subject establishing restrictive regulations in his household.

如果你觉得护肘和护膝可能会限制活动,那去试试打石膏吧。If you think elbow and knee pads might be restrictive , try wearing a cast.

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学分制框架包括约束性框架和非约束性框架。The credit system frame includes restrictive frame and non-restrictive frame.

心神丧失对于人格整体总是会有限制性的影响。The abaissement always has a restrictive influence on the personality as whole.

科伦解释说,在自然中,拥抱也意味着限制,可能会使狗狗愤怒或者害怕。Coren explains the hug in nature is restrictive and may annoy or frighten a dog.