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我很高兴到了国王之后,还能跟着另外一个野猫球员继续学习。I'm happy to have another Wildcat on my team to learn from.

东秋5井是一口典型的异常高压低渗透地层预探井。Well Dong Qiu5 is a wildcat well with Abnormal High Pressure.

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天朗野猫的范围包括以下扬声器系统。The Tannoy Wildcat range consisted of the following speaker systems.

据悉,该野猫私闯了“成功”的领地,被抓捕并咬死。The wildcat intruded into Chenggong's territory and was caught and killed by her.

密歇根州一家银行印制的钱币上有野猫的图像。One bank in the state of Michigan offered paper money with a picture of a wildcat on it.

当野猫再一次走到那个地方,它立刻就被粗绳绑起来。When the wildcat set foot in that place again, he was immediately trussed up by the ropes.

跟很多吝啬鬼一样,鲁科勒因为钱被人骗走而下场悲惨。Like many misers , Roucolle came to a bad end through putting his money into a wildcat scheme.

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日前,成都大熊猫繁育研究基地一只名叫“成功”的雌性大熊猫咬死了一只野猫。A female panda named Chenggong bit a wildcat to death at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.

在英国上月,数以百计的炼油工人组织了未经批准的罢工,抗议雇佣外国工人。In the UK hundreds of oil refinery workers mounted wildcat strikes last month over the use of foreign workers.

我们并不知道中东野猫花了多久的时间,才变成深情款款的家庭伴侣。We do not know how long the transformation of the Middle Eastern wildcat into an affectionate home companion took.

媒体将伦德尔州长的莽撞举动视为一般意义上的英雄主义行径,尽管他完成这次救援任务的手法极其老派。The media covered Rendell’s wildcat action in generally heroic terms, much as it covered the rescue missions of old.

煤层气储量、资源量级别主要受控于勘探区所处的勘探阶段和勘探程度。The grades of coalbed gas reserves and resources extents are mainly determined by exploration stage and degree of a wildcat area.

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因此,在相似构造选择的基础上,提出了一种对野猫井岩石可钻性进行钻前预测的方法。Therefore, present evaluation methods of rock drillability can not be applied to predict rock drillability of wildcat well before drilling.

与此相似的是,在周二晚上曼城做客安联对阵拜仁的欧冠比赛中,卡洛斯·特维斯莽撞的拒绝上场引起了轩然大波。The context was Carlos Tevez's wildcat industrial action during the Bayern Munich-Manchester City Champions League fixture on Tuesday night.

通过短信,工人自发组织的工会正纷纷破土,要求提高工资、人性化管理以及自由结社。Wildcat unions have sprung up, organized by text message, demanding higher wages, a humane work environment, and the right to organize freely.

毫无疑问,这位前阿历桑拿的“野猫”拥有极大的天赋及惊人的弹跳能力,就如我们熟知的小土豆罗宾逊一般。And there's no doubt that the former 'Zona Wildcat has immense talent to go along with his incredible leaping ability, as Nate Robinson surely knows.

野猫是海军的主要战斗机在战争开始的时候,但它难以对付未来的更快和更灵活的日本零战斗机。The Wildcat was the navy's main fighter when the war began, but it had difficulty coming to grips with the faster and more nimble Japanese Zero fighter.

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当地突发事件服务处的高级官员8月24日向路透社透露,在委内瑞拉南部已有7人死于这些盲目挖掘的金矿隧道塌方中。Seven people died in a cave-in at the wildcat gold mine in southern Venezuela, a senior member of the local emergency services told Reuters on August 24.

第四,在美国,想靠疯狂的钻井机们致富的话,它们四通八达的管道如蜘蛛网般,所以能输送天然气到市场上。And fourth, in America wildcat drillers, if they strike it rich, enjoy access to a spider's web of existing pipelines, so they can get their gas to market.

他便向马走过去。豹猫可能在山谷的某一侧。他走得很慢,尽力同时看着两侧。He began walking toward the horse. The wildcat could have been on either side of the valley. He walked slowly, trying to watch both sides at the same time.