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北美的一种鬼针草属植物,花大。North American bur marigold with large flowers.

我所想的除了为了你的好,没有别的。What I think about is nothing bur your welfare.

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他跑了起来,没有朝着他的房子而是朝树林跑去。He ran, not toward his farmhouse, bur into the woods.

可是这里这么高就是有鱼也看不到啊。Bur it's so tall it'd be difficult to see any fish from here.

可一倾斜起来,便成了世界上最险的悬崖。Bur sloping, he becomes the most dangerous cliff in the world.

月亮已经看不见了,但仍有足够多的星星在闪烁着微弱的光。The moon had disappeared bur enough stars yet flickered for a little light.

真为你高兴。你一直都很有能力,也很有进取心。Really happy for you. You always have the ability, bur also very aggressive.

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凡塞得太大,合适的材料必须清除的更严重。Where a bur is too large to fit, the material must be removed with a graver.

想继续与塞在一般损坏的工作结果,只是感到有点远。Trying to go just a little bit farther with the bur generally results in damaged work.

死神可以靠着在死亡笔记上写上人名而延长自己的夀命,而人类却不行!A god of death can extend His life by outtung human names on the note. bur humans cannot!

在一些家庭中,父母双方都是既工作又照顾家和孩子。In some families, both parents not only work bur also take care of the house and the children.

我通常会去那里柏迪在暑假放宽后,许多个月,在学校在这个城市。I usually go there bur in the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city.

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重点介绍了矫平控制、中间辊弯辊控制、支撑辊凸度调节控制的思路和方法。It emphasized the idea and methods of leveling control, IMR bend control and BUR crown control.

你们这些隶伙不过就是一些官僚主义者,靠纳税人的钱过着一种寄生的生活!You people are nothing bur bureaucrats, leading a parasitic existence at the taxpayers' expense!

他在中学教书,但是兼职做些翻译来赚取外快。He teaches in a middle school, bur do some translation work on the side to earn some extra money.

爱克赛希尔大酒店柏迪拜是钻迪拜的历史和商业区的豪华酒店。Grand Excelsior Hotel Bur Dubai is a luxury hotel in Bur Dubai's historic and commercial district.

恐怕不行。那是我工作用的传真机。不过你可以用客厅的电话。I'm afraid not, that's a fax machine I use for work. Bur you can use the phone in the living room.

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但是大大都的苏格兰人是盆地人,集中在苏格兰南部人口稠密的乡村和城镇。Bur most Scots are Lowlanders, concentrated in the densely-populated towns and cities of southern Scotland.

本文以现场实际经验为基础,着重介绍了炉卷中厚板轧机支承辊的常见故障诊断、维护以及检测等技术。The failure diagnosis, maintenance and detection of steckel mill BUR are introduced based on practice in the paper.

如果你把你或在工具的旋转方向的工具了,它可以跳的车针迅速进入你的设计。If you push the tool away from you or in the direction of the tool's rotation, it can jerk the bur quickly into your design.