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当然,没问题.Sure,no problem.

安迪有一个难题。Andy has a problem.

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题目是这样的Here's the problem.

这就是问题所在。This is the problem.

你倒底有什么问题?。What's your problem?

没问题,你要几多?No problem. How much?

这问题把我难住了。This problem gets me.

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但是任然存在一个问题。But there's a problem.

这只狐狸有一个难题。The fox has a problem.


那是什么问题呢?What was that problem?

但我有问题。But I've got a problem.

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除了一个问题。Except for one problem.

嘿,有什么问题吗?Hey. You got a problem?

那你有什么问题呢?So what's your problem?

这只熊有一个难题。The bear has a problem.

谁解决了这个问题?Who solved the problem?

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而这才是问题所在。And this is the problem.

但是这确是一个大问题。But it is a big problem.

但是这不成问题。But that was no problem.